Geometry Dash

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Wassap guys! I got the idea of this chapter when i was obsessed with playing geometry dash. For those of you who dont know it, search it up on the appstore. Its a really fun, yet annoying game. I've been playing it a lot, and failed miserably every time. I MUST BEAT DAT STOOPID LITTLE SQUARE....... I'm pretty sure those games like geometry dash and flappy bird etc. are made to test your temper.... And im also failing at that. You dont know how many times i've been tempted to smash my ipad mini with a hammer.... O_O

Percy Jackson has updated his status

Hey, yo annabeth! You have got to try this game called geometry dash! Its SOOO hard!


Annabeth Chase: pfft! Lemme try! Geometry Dash... Gonna be as easy as-- ......

Percy Jackson: u just died, didnt u.....

Annabeth Chase: i have the right to remain silent!

3 mins later

Annabeth Chase: I REFUSE TO GET BEATEN BY A GAME CALLED GEOMETRY DASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Percy Jackson: O_O

Athena: daughter! I am disappointed! Failing so badly at a game called GEOMETRY Dash!!!


Athena: stupid sea people....

Cora: ...

Poseidon: ok, oh so wise and smart Lady Athena, try this game!

Athena: no! I will not play that silly little game!

Poseidon: scared u might fail...?

Athena: gimme.

Athena: ARGH!!!!!!! I DIED!?!!??!? NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!

Percy Jackson: i wish u would die....

Athena: WHAT!!!!!!

Percy Jackson: Nothing!

Apollo: Athena? Zeus wants to see you.

Athena: yeah? Well too bad im playing geometry dash.

Apollo: ?

Athena: this really stupid game...

Apollo: if its stupid, how come it says it's ur 68th attempt...? Hmmmm?

Athena: SHUT. UP.

Hades: ugh. I completed that game three moths ago.

Athena: WHAT!?!?!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????!!?!?!??!?!!???!???

Hades: yeah.

Athena: GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

Athena has logged off

Hades: haha, lolz. I was just kidding. I've never heard of geometry bash.

Percy Jackson: its dash.

Hades: geometry cash.

Percy Jackson: NO! JEE- OM- ET- TREE D- AH- SH!

Hades: jeeometree dahsh. Thats a weird name.

Percy Jackson: -.-

Percy Jackson: this is hopeless.

Zeus_Rulz: somebody please fetch lady Athena.

Jason Grace: Sir, i see you've changed your name...

Zeus_Rulz: people must know the truth.

Percy Jackson: well them stop lying and show us the truth. "Zeus_Rulz". Pfft! I am calling your bluff.

Cora: r u TRYING to get struck by lightning?!

Annabeth Chase: of course sir. MOTHER!

Annabeth Chase: ugh.

Annabeth Chase has logged off

Poseidon has updated his status



Athena: finished what.

Poseidon: *smirks*. Geometry dash...

Athena: WHAT!?!!!!!!!

Poseidon: ;P

Athena: *goes on rampage*

Poseidon: hahahah.....

Annabeth Chase: what did you people do to my mother!?

Percy Jackson : actually u did it.

Annabeth Chase: ...

Athena: *starts crying*. I just finished level one...

Annabeth Chase: *takes paper bag*

Percy Jackson: what r u doin with that bag?

Annabeth Chase: *draws frowny face on bag in sharpie*

Percy Jackson: ?

Annabeth Chase: *puts bag over head.*

Annabeth Chase: Ms. Chase is not here.

Athena: -.-


Question that i am also wondering:

Do you think certain Gods used have last names...? Like Dionysus, Apollo, Artemis, etc.

Dont forget to vote, and Comment your thoughts, and i will... See you next time.

(I really need to come up with a good sign off.... -.-)

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