Surpsise Prom

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Rachel has updated her status

SURPRISE! We r having a prom and i have made dresses and suits for all of u!


Cora: .... Do u hate me or something...?

Piper McLean: that actually sounds like a good idea....

Percy Jackson: will there be wine there...

Rachel: percy. If u dont drink wine on prom night, i will give u a free bottle.

Percy Jackson: deal.

Percy Jackson has logged off

Annabeth Chase: ... R u RLLY gonna give him wine?!

Rachel: as if.

Annabeth Chase: nice...

Nico di Angelo: i hate proms....

Rachel: Cora, for u, i have a long black dre-


Nico di Angelo: ur not serious r u?

Cora: uh,,. No... Burn it... Get the tank.

Nico di Angelo has logged off

Leo Valdez: uh... What happens when she says 'get the tank'?

Cora: explosions... Deaths.... A lot of screaming...

Rachel: u know. The ushe.

Leo Valdez: oh... Look... I huge tank...

Rachel: crap. ABORT ABORT!

Everyone has logged off


This chapter goes to FreddieGurlSorceress. PEACE OUT.

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