Octy Falls

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Percy Jackson: so, everyone got your stuff?

Cora: check.

Serena Thompson: cant wait.

Octavian: uhh... Where"s my harness...?

Percy Jackson: .... We'll give it to you later. ... Greedy pants.

Octavian: uh... Yeah. Ok.

Octavian's POV

I put on my yellow helmet when Percy walked up to me, wearing his stupid orange camp t- shirt and his blue shorts. "Ummm.... Octy? Dont put on that helmet you look retarded." He said. I just stared. "Umm... Ok?" I muttered as i took it off.

Percy Jackson's POV

Ha. I only said that because i dont want him to have a stupid helmet!! Whats the freaking point of this if he's SAFE?!?!?! Anyways, i looked around for Cora. She was wearing her orange camp tee under a floppy blue flannel shirt, with jeans and sneakers. I walked up to her. "Hey, you ready? Its gonna be a long trip." She bit her lip. "Lemme call nico. He's gonna wanna see this." I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I grumbled as she clenched her fist, making mist appear. I handed her a drachma, and went to go look for Annabeth.

Leo Valdez's POV

Finally! That little douch is finally gonna get what he deserves! But its not like he's gonna... Die, right? Uhh... Hehe... Next pov.

Rachel's POV

I put my black camera into my bag, and turned around to find myself facing a grinning Leo. I yelped and jumped back. Leo just chuckled. "Am i really that hideous?" I laughed. "Of course not!" Leo was wearing a white tee with his orange tool belt and jeans. He looked around. "So, you know when the pegesi will here?" I sighed and shrugged. "I dunno. Percy's flirting with Annabeth, and Cora's flirting with Nico." "I AM NOT F- ING FLIRTING!!!!" I heard Cora scream. Leo and i burst out laughing.

Serena Thompson's POV

I poked Cora's shoulder. "You done yet?" She just ignored me. Then i punched her in the shoulder. "YOU DONE YET!!!!" I yelled at her. She cursed under her breath. "Yeah, yeah. Nico, shadow travel here!" She told the mist with my brother's face on it. He nodded and Cora swiped through the miss. Ending the call. I slung my black bag over my shoulder. "Can you and percy summon the pegesi already?" I asked. Cora shrugged. "PERCY!!!" She yelled. And nico appeared in front of her. "Sup." he said, waving. She smiled at him. "Hey! You got your camera?" She asked, as i just stood there awkwardly. Seriously, those two make no sense. At all. Percy then walked over with Annabeth behind him. "What? We ready to go?" I nodded. He smiled, "great...." He said ominously. I shifted uncomfortably. Annabeth Frowned at me. "Are you ok Serena?" She asked as she tied her wavy blonde hair into a ponytale. I looked at the ground. "Serena..." Annabeth muttered. Her intense grey eyes, studying me. "I dont know.." I muttered. "What if he dies?" Annabeth scoffed. "Hes not gonna die." I looked up to see Percy and Cora with they're eyes closed. I frowned at Annabeth. .what are they doing..." I asked. Annabeth smiled at me. "They're contacting our ride." I nodded slowly. "Uh, ok."

Jason Grace's POV

I glanced at Piper. She smiled at me. "So... Are you taking a pegasus, or coming with me, on Tempest?" I asked as i slipped my hand into hers. She raised an eyebrow. "Jason, of course im coming with you!" She exclaimed. I smiled. "Ok!" I said as i whistled. Then i heard this weird flapping sound, and looked up to see a bunch of pegesi. Piper gasped. "Wow!! That is so cool!" She exclaimed. I chuckled.

Cora's POV

I opened my eyes, when i heard the sound of wings flapping in the wind. I nudged Percy and he opened his too. "Perfect!" He beamed. I climbed on my horse, Nonios and Percy climbed on Blackjack. When everyone got a horse, Percy frowned. "Where's frank?" He asked. I shrugged, when something nudged my shoulder. I looked over to see a white pegesus. Im right here. I heard someone say in my mind. I looked at Percy. "Found Frank!" He nodded and took off. I looked around, before taking off into the air.

Nico di Angelo's POV

I dont know why we had to take a pegesus, because mine hates me. It tried to kill me, the second it saw me. Cora just told me it was because my pegesus was drunk, but she was obviously lying. Cora flew beside me, talking with my horse, she seemed pretty upset, i think they were having an argument. My ride was really shaky, but we finally got to the canyon. I jumped off my horse before it even landed. I fell to the ground, groaning. Cora landed beside me. "Nico! What the hell?" She cried. I sighed. "Sorry, i just HATE my horse..." I growled, glaring at my pegesus.

Octavian's POV

When we landed, i immediately went looking for Percy. I found him helping Annabeth with getting off her horse. "Gimme my harness." I demanded. He rolled his big green eyes at me. "Fine...." He grumbled. He led me to the ledge. "Turn and face me." He said. I turned to him, my back at the edge. The others crowded around us. "Sorry Octy. Ha, no im not." I frowned. "Wait what?" He extended hi arms and pushed me off the side. "AHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! YOU B****!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as i fell to my death.

Percy's POV

Oh Gods, what have i done..... "GODS OF OLYMPUS!!! WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!?!!" I cried. Serena nodded, "we have to go get him!" Hazel bit her lip. "just wait." She muttered. We all stood there. Finally Rachel stomped her foot. "What!?" she yelled. Hazel held her hand up. We all heard a faint thud. Hazel nodded. "Ok, lets go." Cora turned a sickly green. "Oh Gods.... Was that sound, octy?" Nobody answered. Jason screamed as he jumped off the edge as well. We all looked at each other. Piper shrugged. "He can fly." We all jumped on out horses and flew to the bottom. Nico jumped off his horse when we were still fifteen feet away from landing. "WHAT THE FREAK NICO!!!" Serena screamed. We all rushed to the limp body of Octavian. Jason was already there. "He's still breathing..." He muttered. "Gosh dammit!" Frank yelled. "How the hell did he survive that!?!!" We all shrugged. Cora turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. She started shaking me. "WHAT DID WE DO!!!" She cried. "Get the ambrosia!" She yelled. I frowned. "Since when did you care about Octavian?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "I dont. I just dont wanna get blamed for murder!" I froze, "holy crap..." GET THE AMBROSIA!!!!!!"

Frank Zhang has updated his status

Ok, octy's in a full body cast.


Nico di Angelo: how the Hades did he freaking survive that!?!!

Cora: its seriously impossible....

Percy Jackson: oh man... So we still have to live with him?

Hazel Levesque: ... Yeah...

Serena Thompson: poo.

Rachel: ugh. That little b**** had the nerve to survive....

Cora: ... Screw him.

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Cora: ....

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