
3.1K 101 29

Annabeth Chase

Hey guys!


Percy Jackson: HI BAYBAY!

Percy Jackson: how was ur day?

Annabeth Chase: ok

Percy Jackson: well thats nice to hear! :)

Annabeth Chase: ok

Percy Jackson: um, y do u keep saying that?

Annabeth Chase: ok

Percy Jackson: annabeth what is wrong with u?

Annabeth Chase: ok

Percy Jackson: im cheating on u with Drew

Annabeth Chase: ok

Percy Jackson: what!?! Rnt u gonna go and kill her????

Annabeth Chase: ok

Percy Jackson: ...well. Do it.

Annabeth Chase: ok

Percy Jackson: AHHHHHHHHHH

Annabeth Chase: ok

Percy Jackson: SHUT UP!!!

Percy Jackson has logged off

Annabeth Chase: ok

Piper McLean: annabeth?

Annabeth Chase: ah! Thats better!

Piper McLean: ???

Annabeth Chase: sorry. My laptop was glitching, and wouldnt stop saying "ok"

Hazel Levesque: haha lol.

Cora: aww, now i feel srry for percy... He's crying into his pillow.

Annabeth Chase: XD

Rachel: imma try that with leo.

Rachel has updated her status

Hello leo


Leo Valdez: :). Heyo!

Rachel: hello leo

Leo Valdez: hi.

Rachel: hello leo.

Leo Valdez: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! IM STUCK IN A TIME LOOP!!!!!

Leo Valdez has logged off

Hazel Levesque: ..... He did not last very long...

Annabeth Chase: nope

AHAHHHAAH!!! I LIKE TRAINS. im on a train in the spaghetti factory now! (Why do i feel like the trains gonna start working and we're gonna run over someone...O.o)

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