Ch. 14

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3rd person POV

About three hours had passed and Minjung was finally allowed to leave the hospital. Yoongi carefully guided him through the corridors, trying to make sure Minjung wouldnt get hurt anymore. Minjung was limping ever so slightly and it worried Yoongi even more. He felt like an asshole; his boyfriend had to endure all this sick torture from their so called manager and all he did was get angry at him. Yoongi wanted to make it right (no pun intended) and he hoped the Minjung would forgive him. Yoongi was brought out of his thoughts by Minjung slightly pouting and whining which Yoongi found adorable as Minjung never really showed this side of him.

"Yoongi-ah~ I want to go to sleep when we get home, will you cuddle with me?" Yoongi smiled and nodded his head to which Minjung responded with a small cheer in victory, causing Yoongi to let out a small laugh. When they made it to the car, Yoongi's phone went off. Hoseok texted him letting him know that they had finished setting up for the small party they planned for Minjung. At this, Yoongi smiled.

"What's got you so happy?"

"Ah, nothing hyung. I'm just glad that you're okay." Minjung smiled at Yoongi and pulled him into his side while they rode to the dorms. Yoongi smiled contently and closed his eyes as he layed his head against Minjung's chest. Minjung placed a small kiss on Yoongi's cheeks, causing Yoongi to shoot up out of his position while holding his cheek, blushing. Minjung chuckled and just moved back over to Yoongi, slightly pushing Yoongi down onto his back while climbing onto of him.

"Hyung what are you doing? You're still injured!" Yoongi quickly said in a small state of panic while Minjung only just smirked and lowered his mouth down to Yoongi's ear before whispering.

"I really like it when you call me 'Hyung'," Yoongi's breath hitched in the back of his throat as his face became more red than it was before. Minjung's hands traced over Yoongi's body. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Minjung's neck while Minjung placed his lips onto Yoongi's neck. Soft noises came out of Yoongi's mouth as Minjung left his mark on his skin. Minjung lightly nipped on Yoongi's sweet spot, causing Yoongi to moan loudly which Yoongi quickly covered his mouth after. They were still in a car after all, and they had a driver. Minjung Smiled as he took Yoongi's hands from his face and quickly pecked him on the lips before he brought Yoongi into his chest once again, just resting until they reached the dorms.

Once they arrived at the dorms, they thanked the driver and then went inside. Yoongi was nervous because he knew that they boys were surprising Minjung and he really hoped he would like it. Minjung grabbed Yoongi's hand and started to walk to their room when Taehyung popped around the corner and jumped on Minjung's back. Yoongi instantly started to smak Taehyung in the back.

"Tae get off him! He's still injured idiot." Taehyung just laughed and buried his head into the back on Minjung's neck while tightening his grip on the elder, a boxy smile on his face.

"Minjung-hyung!! I'm so happy you're back. Carry me to the kitchen hyung" Taehyung exclaimed while making noises of excitement. Minjung just shrugged and did his best to make his way to the kitchen with Taehyung on his back, Yoongi just following behind. After evry step Minjung took, another band member popped up out of nowhere, each on latching onto him. Taehyung was on his back, Jungkook was on his right leg, Jimin on the left leg, Hoseok was on his right arm, Namjoon had his arms wrapped around him from the back and Jin just stood there filming. Yoongi just watched as his boyfriend was made victim the boys' affection and sighed before he joined in, wrapping his arms around Minjung from the front. Minjung stood there confused while Jin's windshield whipper laugh broke through the air. Minjung stared at the camera that Jin was holding and tilted his head a bit.

"Jin-ah, what's going on?"

"We just wanted to welcome you home from the hospital Minjung-hyung." Minjung furrowed his brows a bit until he finally nodded. Jin told Minjung to follow him to the kitchen so Minjung dragged himself to the best of his abilities while the other members still held onto him. Jin filmed the whole time and stopped right at the kitchen. He told Minjung to wait until he told him to come in and Minjung nodded his head in confusion. Jin went into the kitchen and set the camera down on a counter in order to get the moment on film. He then called Minjung in. Minjung waddled into the kitchen with the boys still holding onto him and his eyes widened in shock. There was a few presents on the counter with a nice cake beside them. Above the cake and presents was a banner saying "We love you hyung." Minjung didn't know how to react. This was the first time he received anything like this. No one had ever gotten him a present and no one had ever gotten him a cake. Without him knowing it, he started to cry. Instatly the boys got off of Minjung, thinking that Minjung didn't like it.

"Hyung! What's wrong? Do you not like it?" Jungkook asked, scared that he had upset his hyung who he greatly respected. It looked as if Junkook was about to cry, along with Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok. Minjung reached up to his cheek, feeling the wetness from his tears, He shook his head no and then smiled.

"It's not that I don't like it. It's just that no one has ever done this for me before. I'm happy." Everyone became relieved at that, but they were slighlt confused.

"What do you mean by that?" Namjoon questioned.

"Like...I mean...No one has ever bought me a present before and I've never been given a cake so I'm really happy. Thank you." Instantly everyone crashed into Minjung and hugged him. They couldn't believe that no one had gotten him a present before, let alone a cake. 

"What about for your birthday, hyung?" Jimin questioned as he looked Minjung in the eyes. Minjung tilted his head in confusion.

"What are you talking about? You aren't supposed to celebrate birthdays." Everyone looked at Minjung in shock, not knowing what to say until Jin broke the silence.

"Yah, of course you celebrate birthdays! Next birthday of yours I'm gonna stuff your face with cake and give you a bunch of presents." All the members nodded their heads in agreement. Minjung slowly nodded his head before saying okay. They all hugged Minjung one last time.

"All right! Cake time!" Taehyung cheered as him and the rest of the maknae line ran to the cake. Minjung just watched them run off with a smile on his face as he held Yoongi in his arms. Namjoon walked over to Jin and watched the members with content. This was his family.

"Jin-hyung. Let's not post the video. Minjung went through a lot and he is a pretty private person. We should let him keep this memory for himself" 

"Um, about that. The video is kinda see I... the video is on v-live." Jin sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.


Alright guys. I know I literally said I would post more and then I didn't post for like a month which is fully on me. I just don't have much motivation right now. Also, I'm kinda gonna talk about something a bit personal for a hot minute so if you yee. Basically I'm asking for advice right now and what you think I should do. Basically I have this friend that I'm super close with right. Well she transferred to my school and ever since that happened our friendship just seems to have gone to shit. Like we both play softball right. I pitch and she catches which is fine and everything. I get aggravated very easily and I've been working on that a lot and my friend knows this as well. So during the games, there would be some parts of the game that I get really pissed at because my teammates are making errors and shit. So my friend like called time and came to talk to me but I knew that if she talked to me I would probably yell at her, so I very discreetly made a shewing motion with my hand to let her know that I need her to leave me alone. After that, she keeps getting mad at me saying that I'm being rude to her and taking advantage of her kindness. I tried to confront her about it because I genuinely didn't know what was going on. I was like listen I don't know what I did and I need you to tell me what I did but you also have to realis that you did this and it hurt my feelings. After I said that she instantly went well you did this and you did this so that's why I acted that way. She also told me that I shouldn't take my medication and that I should mediate instead. But it's like, I feel as though she holds the most random things against me. Like one time she texted me and it didn't go through so I didn't get the text. The next day at school my other friends were coming up to me saying that they were pissed at me because I hurt my friend's feelings. I didn't even know what was going on so I went to talk to my friend about it. She was all like I didn't know that you didn't get the text message and I said its okay but then I said that next time she should come talk to me instead of going around to other people about it and then she started saying stuff about how I'm different and I've been rude to her and that I'm using her and all that stuff. I just feel like she's blaming me for everything that goes wrong in our friendship and I feel bad when I honestly haven't actually done anything. Every time I ask her about what I did she never has a direct answer and she will just steer the topic back into saying things like I'm rude and things like that. Idk what to do at this point so please give me your thoughts on this.

The 8the Member (Yoongi x male! OC) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat