ch. 12

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Minjung's POV

It hurts. My body hurts. Everything feels heavy. Everything's dark. Where am I? Why can't I open my eyes? What's that noise? sounds like Jimin. He's calling my name. Where is he? I want to see him? Why can't I see him? I feel tired.

3rd person POV

Jimin sat next to Minjung while he laid in the hospital bed. He checked his phone multiple times, waiting for any of the others to actually respond to his text or check their voice mails. Minjung was in the hospital, but nobody was coming. Jimin sighed and grabbed Minjung's hand.

"Hyung, it's gonna be okay. He can't hurt you anymore; I called the cops and everything. I just wished I realized it sooner because then you wouldn't be here. I'm sorry Minjung."

Jimin rubbed his thumb over Minjung's hand while thinking about what happened. He utterly hated Sunjung. Just thinking about him made him want to punch something. It was after Sunjung kicked them out of the practice room to talk to Minjung. Jimin decided to grab some tea so he stopped in the kitchen. When his tea was finally done, he started to head back to the practice room only to see Yoongi running out of the building with Namjoon on his tail. Jimin started to make his way to follow them when he heard yelling coming from the practice room. He wasn't sure what was going on so he slowly put his ear to the door, only to hear what sounded like something being hit over and over again. Then he heard crying  and the word 'stop' being repeatedly shouted from what sounded to be Minjung. Jimin quickly opened the door only to see Sunjung on top of Minjung, hitting him over and over again. Jimin became angry and tackled Sunjung to the ground, punching him in the face until it seemed like the bastard wouldn't be getting up. Jimin quickly rushed over to Minjung, who laid sprawled out on the floor, violently shaking.

"Hyung, are you okay? Hyung? Hyung, please be okay." Jimin instantly brought his phone up to his ear, calling an ambulance as well as requesting police for Sunjung. Jimin wasn't even sure what all happened, but he knew Minjung was hurt, and that pissed him off. Jimin stayed with Minjung as he waited for the ambulance to arrive. Eventually, Minjung stopped shaking, having passed out which caused Jimin to worry even more. Something was extremely wrong with his Hyung and he didn't know what.

Once the ambulance arrived, Jimin rode with Minjung to the hospital, while he called everyone, but no one picked up. He left voice mails and texted them all, but no one seemed to get them. It was around midnight now, and still no one had seemed to receive Jimin's messages. Jimin had fallen asleep earlier while he was holding Minjung's hand, but was awoken when nurses came into the room, saying they needed to do some tests on Minjung. Jimin sat out in the waiting area, hoping to receive word that his hyung would be fine. His phone started to ring and Jimin looked to see that Jin was calling him.


"Jimin, what hospital are you at?" Jin asked frantically. Jimin told him where he was and then hung up. He was angry at them. It had been over six hours since he called them and texted them and they had only now responded. Jimin stared at his phone with a glare on his face, but soon was brought out of his trance by a doctor calling for him.

"Family of Che Minjung" Jimin quickly stood up and approached the doctor.

"That's me. Is Minjung going to be okay? What happened?"

"We've ran a few tests on him and there seems to be many injuries to his body. He was beaten really bad: multiple contusions to the head, fractured rib, broken wrist, and bruises spread out over his body. He is extremely malnourished and there are signs of sexual abuse. He needs to stay in the hospital for a few days, but he should wake up tomorrow." Jimin didn't know how to respond. Just what had happened over this past week? The doctor excused himself and Jimin headed back into Minjung's room.

Another 30 minutes past and slowly, but surely, the rest of the members showed up to Minjung's room. Jimin was angry at them, Yoongi mostly. His boyfriend was in the hospital and he didn't even seem to care.

"What took you all so long? Minjung has been in here for over 6 hours and you guys are just now getting here! What was so important that you couldn't pick up your damn phones?"

"Jimin, it's not what you think. PD-nim called us into a meeting and he made us shut off our phones. We were looking for you and Minjung, but we couldn't find you and PD-nim said that we would just have the meeting without you guys." J-Hope explained to the younger. Jimin's glare softened as he looked at everyone and just how worried they seemed. His glare came back though when he looked at Yoongi. He was just sitting there, no worry present on his face.

"What about you, Yoongi? Do you even care?"

"Of course I care. I'm just angry is all. Minjung was cheating on me with Sunjung and I'm still angry at him."

"Are you fucking serious? Minjung is literally here because of Sunjung, in fact I literally walked in on Sunjung beating the shit out of Minjung. And you want to know the last thing Minjung said before he passed out. He said 'Make sure he doesn't get Yoongi' so you can fucking piss off." Jimin shouted at Yoongi. Yoongi's face fell and he started to cry. He was worried about Minjung, but he was scared because it felt like Minjung didn't want him. He knew something was wrong, but all he did was get mad at him instead of caring for him. He felt terrible. All he wanted to do was to be held by Minjung and to fall asleep in his arms.

Yoongi held his face in his hands and cried. He felt arms wrap around him only to see Jimin hugging him. He quickly wrapped his arms around Jimin as well and soon all the boys fell into a group hug. They just wanted Minjung to be alright.

The next morning, Minjung opened his eyes only to quickly close them due to the sudden brightness. He felt small bits of pressure on different parts of his body. He opened his eyes again only to see everyone of his members asleep, with some part of their bodies resting on him. Yoongi's head was on his shoulder. Minjung's face grew soft and he placed his hand on Yoongi's cheek. The younger's eyes drifted open and when they meet Minjung's eyes, they widened and tears started to form.

"Hyung, you're okay. Thank god you're okay. I love you Hyung."

"I love you too, Yoongi"

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