Ch. 8

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                             this isn't important really so if you want go ahead and skip to the chapter. Anyways school just started back up and honestly it's not good for my depression or anxiety. Everything is terrible right now, no this aint it sis. But yeah...I like just recently (like a little less than a year) got diagnosed with depression and social anxiety and they gave me meds for it. Basically I'm just now realizing that the stomach issues i've been dealing with are because of the medicine and right now I literally can't go to school because of how bad my stomach is right now and honestly this sucks ass. I can't even eat anything without my stomach hurting worse so that's always fun. But now im gonna have to deal with a bunch of makeup work with is great too but its chill i guess. This hurts like a bitch son.


Minjung's pov

Our free day ended yesterday so sadly it's time to go back to practicing rather than spending quality time with Yoongi. It was only 4 in the morning and we didn't have to be up for another hour of so. I decided to go make breakfast for everyone so I got up from bed, carefully moving around Yoongi as we slept in the same bed last night. I gave him a quick peck on the check before heading downstairs. I started to sing along to one of the new songs that would be released soon.

"I need you girl bu-bubabubu-bu-bu..." I glided across the floor making random sounds that imitated the beat of the song, dancing a little jig since I didn't want to do the whole dance routine. I kept doing that as I cooked until I was finally finished. I clapped my hands together in accomplishment, "alright! time to wake up the boys." I turned around to be met with Jimin and a camera.

"What are you doing?" I asked while staring at the Jimin with a confused face.

"Awww, our Minjung-hyung is so adorable."

"...what are you doing?" I asked again, still staring at him in utter confusion as my brain just wouldn't process the situation.

"I'm filming my hyung having the time of his life in the kitchen to show to army. Obviously this video will be posted after we drop I Need You, but yeah. Oh, and the shirt."

"what..." I looked down only to realize that I came downstairs in what i normally wear to bed, a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. I quickly tried to cover my body and Jimin giggled at me still filming.

"Put it away Jimin."

"But army would love to see your body. Look at your muscles and your tattoos. Quite attractive if I do say so myself."

"When you post the video, you're going to blur out my body right?"

"Nope" At this point I got scared so I did what I could and sprinted straight at Jimin, trying to tackle him to get to the camera, not caring that my body was showing at this point anymore. Jimin started screaming and began running around furniture in attempts to stay away from me, all the while videoing me still. Jimin was screaming so loud that I could hear the boys upstairs start to come down the stairs as he woke them up.

"What's going on?" Jin asked trying to take in the situation as was the rest of Bangtan except Suga as he was still upstairs. Jimin screeched while running over to the rest of the boys, hiding behind V and Jungkook while still holding the camera over their shoulders. They all stared at me quizzically before I sighed and made my way over to them. It seems that they only just now noticed that I was shirtless and they started to get flustered. I sighed again before pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Jimin can explain. Breakfast is on the counter." I said quickly and then went upstairs to relax. I entered Yoongi's and my room and then laid down on the bed with a sigh. I could hear the shower going so I figured Yoongi was in there. After a few minutes he came out with only a towel around his waist and let me just say...damn.

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