Ch. 7

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Minjung's pov

Today the boys and I had a day off so I was hoping I could spend some time with Yoongi...I smiled at the thought. We've only been together for a few days now and none of BTS know yet; Yoongi and I decided to let them figure it out for themselves. Everyone was out of the dorms right now except Yoongi and I, but Yoongi is sleeping so I think I'm going to make him breakfast. I walked to the kitchen and started to cook. After about an hour, I finally finished so i set the table up for him and I to eat together. I clapped my hands together and then walked to Yoongi's room. He was sound asleep so I took my phone out and snapped a quick picture because of how cute he looked. I then walked over to his bed and gently sat down next to him. I cupped his cheek with my hand and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "Yoongi, wake up." He didn't budge so I leaned down and gave him a peek on the lips and then I kept kissing him until he finally woke up.

"Minjung-hyung, good morning but don't wake me up again," he started off peacefully but added a little force to his voice at the end to make it sound threatening. I found it cute though and I just leaned down and gave him another peck on the lips and he kissed back.

"I made us breakfast."

"Okay, let me just get dressed first hyung." God, i love it when he calls me hyung, it's so sexy.

I walked down to the kitchen and took a seat, waiting for Yoongi to get here. When he finally showed up we both started eating. He ate with a smile on his face the whole time.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's really good hyung." I smiled after he said that because I was happy that he enjoyed the food i made for him.

"So, Yoongi...would you like to go on a date today?" Yoongi's eyes went wide for a quick second until he finally nodded. He looked away and I could see the faintest bit of red on his cheeks.

"Ah! Yoongi, you're so handsome." He choked on his coffee a little bit before he stood up fast and ran upstairs.

"I'm going to get ready hyung." How cute.

Timeskip to date

Yoongi's pov

Minjung and I were walking around town looking for something to do. It's hard for me to believe that we're actually dating. I thought for sure he wouldn't like me, but here we are. I smiled and looked away from Minjung because I didn't want him to see. I glanced back over only to quickly look away because he was staring right at me. How can he be so hot.

"Yoongi, do you want to go to the arcade?" I nodded and then he grabbed my arm, pulling me with him as if he was a child. He could be so childish sometimes, but that's one of the reasons why I like him. He acts as though he doesn't have a heart, but in reality he is a just like a kid. Minjung bought some tokens for us and he brought me over to the racing games. We both went multiple rounds against each-other, him winning every time but it didn't bother me because he seemed really happy right now. We probably spent about two hours in that arcade before we left.

Minjung and I then went to a Starbucks and got coffee except i decided to try something other than black coffee so i got a hot chocolate. We sat at one of the tables inside while sipping our drinks. There were a few girls staring at us whispering, but they didn't make any move to come near us. That in and of itself made me relax, knowing we wouldn't be disturbed. I started to sip from my drink when Minjung started laughing.

"What's so funny hyung?"

"Oh, it's nothing. You just look cute with that whipped cream on your face." I started to reach up to whip it of when he stopped me.

"Don't worry Yoongi, I'll get it for you." He looked around and when no one was looking he leaned close to me and then in a swift movement he licked the whipped cream from my lips. Startled, I looked around to make sure no one saw else while my face started to heat up. Minjung just laughed again and said I was cute.

The sun was finally starting to set so Minjung and I started to walk back to the dorms. We were walking in a peaceful and content silence. I felt something gently brushing against my hand so i looked down to see Minjung's hand. He ended up grabbing my hand in his and we walked home hand-in-hand. I really am glad that he joined Bangtan.


Twitter (fan accounts):

Guys, Yoongi's smile whenever he is around Minjung is just too precious

Guys, Yoongi's smile whenever he is around Minjung is just too precious

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OMG I seriously think I just saw Minjung and Yoongi...Minjung first touched Yoongi's butt and then they held hands

Minjung first touched Yoongi's butt and then they held hands

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Minjung: Yoongi and I aren't dating and I think he hates me

Minjung: holds Yoongi's hand and touches his butt from time to time



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