Ch. 13

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okay, I know I haven't written in a while, but I've genuinely have had a bunch of stuff going on. Summer is finally here though so I should have more time on my hands. On a side note...I saw BTS in concert in Chicago and let me tell you,,,life changing. Yoongi killed me every time he rapped. Also Namjoon was so cute the entire concert. When they were saying bye, everyone started chanting "Kim Namjoon" and he did a little dance to it. Oh my God, they literally all are so cute,,,I'm soft for them.

3rd person pov

Minjung had just awoken and he already felt safer than he had been the past few weeks Sunjung was present. After he had told Yoongi he loved him, the younger started crying. Minjung made a motion with his hands, telling Yoongi to come closer. Yoongi inched his body closer only to be brought onto the hospital bed, Minjung wrapping his arms around him. Minjung buried his head into the crook of Yoongi's neck and whispered sweet words while pecking his neck. Yoongi closed his eyes, glad to have his boyfriend back. He was still worried about Minjung though, he hoped the older would recover fast, but for now he leaned into the older, careful not to hurt his hyung.

About 30 minutes passed and they still just layed there, waiting for the others to wake up as well. Eventually, the youngest of the group woke up. At first he stared at Minjung for a few seconds, his brain taking a minute to comprehend that his hyung was awake. When he finally took the information in, he quickly stood up and rushed to the bed, tears in his eyes. Jungkook practically flung himself on the oldest member, only to stop right before once he realized Minjung was still injured. Minjung sat up slowly and motioned for Jungkook to give him a hug, the younger quickly doing so. Jungkook had been severely worried for his hyung; he looked up to him so much and didnt know what he would do if something worse had happened. Yoongi sat next to Minjung and gently rubbed the youngest back while he cried into Minjung's chest.  Minjung decided to try to comfort the younger even further.

"Jungkookie, dont worry. I'm okay. I wont leave you," Minjung's voice was raspy due to how weak he still was. Jungkook's grip just tightened on his hyung and he looked up at him.

"I was so scared that you wouldnt wake up. Why didn't you say something about Sunjung? Why didn't you tell me? I would have taken care of him," Jungkook's voice broke while talking as he was still crying. Minjung just pulled the younger in to his arms more and told him to wake up the others so he could tell everyone what had happened. The younger nodded and reluctantly let go of Minjung.

Jungkook went around the room and woke everyone up, each of them giving Minjung a hug after they were awoken. Minjung told everyone to sit down so he could tell them what happened and the all gathered together around his bed.

"I'm not exactly sure how to say this all, but I won't go into specifics. Yoongi, I will tell you that none of the stuff that happened was consensual and I'm sorry for everything I did," Minjung explained and looked at Yoongi who nodded his head. Minjung sighed and then continued, "As you all know, we first met Sunjung at the fan meet. Well that's also when everything first started with him. When I went back to check on him, he got on top of me and touched me. At that point, I didnt know he was going to be our manager and I also was too scared to do anything. He left and I came out to find him with you guys. When he pulled me away from you guys to talk to me, he set out a bunch of rules for me and told me that if I didn't obey he would hurt you all. That's why I didn't say anything and I just kept letting him do whatever he wanted with me. He...he hurt me many times and he forced himself into me." Minjung looked down as he said this, tears slowly gathering in his eyes. All of the boys brought Minjung into a group hug, all of them crying as well. After about 10 minutes, the hug dissipated, Namjoon lingered.

"Hyung, I'm really sorry about what happened. If only I paid more attention, I could of stopped him from hurting you," Namjoon said, a few tears falling. He felt as though he had failed as a leader, letting his hyung be hurt.

"Namjoon, don't worry about it. It's not your fault. I'm the one who didn't say anything. In fact, I wouldnt be able to get through this without you. You're doing an amazing job as a leader right now. Thank you for being here for me." Namjoon nodded his head and then released Minjung. Soon a doctor came in and asked the boys to leave the room while he checked on Minjung. All the boys left, the doctor then asked Minjung how he was feeling and checked his vitals.

The doctor left the room, telling the boys they could go back in, only for the boys to find Minjung fast asleep. They all held a faint smile on their faces, and then decided that they were going to do something for the oldest. The maknae line went to the store to get items for their surprise. Namjoon, J-Hope, and Jin headed to the house to set everything up while Yoongi stayed behind with Minjung. Yoongi rested his head on Minjung's leg and soon fell asleep.

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