Ch. 1

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Minjung's pov
I was walking towards BigHit. I had just received a letter from them saying that I passed auditions and I was honestly surprised to pass. My ex boyfriend always told me that I would never pass an audition and to be honest it makes sense. I'm not really good at all. Either way, I'm pretty happy that I passed but of course, I didn't hold a smile on my face and continued walking. I'm meeting my band mates today so I'm pretty nervous. They are all going to be so talented and I'm just going to be there. They probably won't like me either. I sighed and made my way into the building.

I went up to the receptionist and she then lead me to a room where there were seven other males. They were all talking amongst themselves and I'm not going to lie. They were all fairly attractive, but one of them did catch my eyes more than the others. He was over in the corner, trying to sleep.

The sound of the door closing caused all of them to look over at me. I forced a smile onto my face and introduced myself.

The one that was trying to sleep grumbled and got up from his napping area and made his way over to me.

Yoongi's pov
I was trying to sleep when someone came into the practice room. I was annoyed but got up either way and went over to him. I looked up and met his eyes and for some reason I didn't feel annoyed anymore. His black hair was tousled and he had several earrings in. He was really tall and I could tell from looking at him that he had a great build. His jawline was sharp and his lipa were a nice shade of a darker pink. He had tattoos along his collar bone that was exposed from his black button down and it looked like a word written in cursive English. All in all he was really attractive.

"Che Minjung" he stated bluntly while looking me dead in the eyes. His gaze was sharp and really intense. He had dark circles that only seemed to form right at the corners of his eyes where they meet the nose and it made it even more intense. I actually was a bit scared, he was really intimidating.

"Min Yoongi" I replied slowly. He nodded and then walked to a corner of the room and sat down on his phone with and unimpressed and annoyed look.

Minjung's pov
The fake smile that I let onto my face to seem friendly I dropped as soon as I remembered the promise I made myself. I was no longer going to go out of my way to make friends with anyone, even if they are my bandmates, they'll just leave me eventually and I don't want to be hurt again.

Yoongi introduced himself to me and then I walked over to a corner of the room and got on my phone. I could feel everyone's gaze on me and I looked up at them with a slight glare and one of my eyebrows raised, questioning them with my gaze.

BTS pov
Holy shit, this is going to be rough, especially with someone as intimidating as him. Either way, we should try to get to know him. We all made our way towards him.

Minjung's pov
They all walked towards me until Jin stepped forward.

"Ah, Minjung hyung, we were all going to go out to eat and get to know each other if you want to come." He spoke as he smiled at me. I sighed and got up.

"Where are we going?" After I said that all the boys looked at each other and smiled slightly as if they were relieved. Yoongi just said to follow them so away we went, walking the streets until we got to a restaurant. As we came up to the restaurant I realized that I didn't have any money and I sighed again.

Yoongi's pov
I heard Minjung sigh and I looked back at him, he face was set in a glare. I looked away from him and I could feel my throat tighten as I gulped. He was damn intimidating, though I won't admit that to anyone.

We made our way into the restaurant and sat down around a table, Minjung sat next to me. Namjoon started to talk to us, asking questions here and there. Whenever Minjung would anwser, it was straight to the point and shut down further conversation with him after. I really don't think he likes us very much.

Jimin was sat on the other side of Minjung and I think he was trying to be brave so he turned to Minjung to try to get the older to open up to him.

"Minjung hyung. What does the tattoo on your collar bone say?" Minjung eyes actually light up a bit and I could tell he was fighting back a smile. All the boys noticed and this caused us to smile at the older male. Minjung actually seemed a bit excited.

"Ah, Jimin-ah. It actually say 'fateless' in English. I got it because it's a reminder that even if people doubt you and if you don't currently believe in yourself at the moment, you'll always have a destiny so you'll never truly be 'fateless'. " Minjung said to Jimin, emotion void in his voice but I could tell he was fighting it. It made me upset a bit, that he didn't feel comfortable around us but it made me excited to work with him as his explanation was pretty deep. His lyrical skills must be good.

Minjung's pov
After telling Jimin what my tattoo meant I turned away from him, putting my attention on the menu. I felt someones hand on my shoulder so I turned my head to see Jimin with his mouth open, looking like a fish. I wanted to laugh at his expression but then I realized he keep getting closer to me as his excitement of my tattoo kept growing.

Minjung hyung that's so cool! It makes me want a tattoo! oooohhh will you take me to get one. I want one!" Jimin spoke really excitedly but he kept getting closer to me so I tried to calm him down. I started backing away from him but he kept getting closer.

"O-oi, you're scaring me stop that. Stop getting closer to me." He was practically sitting on me at this point and boi was this not good for my hormones. His butt was against my crotch but to be honest I don't think he noticed. My heart rate started to pick up as he kept shaking me back and forward trying to convince me to take him to get a tattoo. The boys were all dying at my expense and even though I didn't want to, I could tell I was already starting to grow attached to them.

"Oi Stop shaking me. I won't take you to get a tattoo if you don't stop!" Jimin stopped shaking me at that and I did my best to regulate my breathing as I was starting to get excited from his ass against me. I pushed him off me and then he looked back up at me.

"You're going to take me to get a tattoo!"

"No, you're to cute for a tattoo." Jimin started to blush after I said that. Actually all the guys started to get a bit red in the face from what I said, except Yoongi. He actually seemed kind of annoyed. I couldn't help myself but start to laugh at all their expressions.

Yoongi's pov
I don't know why but when Minjung hyung said Jimin was cute I got really annoyed. At least I was annoyed until Minjung started to laugh. Oh my god his laugh is precious. What is going on with me?

As diner went on, we all realized that Minjung isn't that bad, he just seems intimidating at first but in reality he is just really cute. Our waiter came over to get our orders and everything was fine until he got to Minjung hyung. The waiter saw him and basically started throwing himself at Minjung. I was getting really annoyed by him. I was glaring at him hoping that he would realize and stop. He wouldn't stop so I scooted closer to Minjung and put my arm around his waist causing him to jump a little.

"Minjung hyung, what are you getting to eat?" I then glanced at the waiter over my shoulder and caught his eyes. He seemed to have gotten the message at this point.

"Ahh, actually I don't think I'm getting anything. I'm not really hungry." With that the waiter left and I looked at Minjung, my arm still around his waist. I could tell he was hungry so why wasn't he getting anything.

"Hyung, I can tell you're hungry, why aren't you getting anything?" He looked away as I asked, as if he was embarrassed. Cute.

"I don't actually have any money."

"Alright, I'll share with you."

"You don't have to, I'm perfectly fine with not eating...I'm used to it actually." Minjung said the last part under his breathe, but I still heard it. This made me worry about him a bit. I just smiled at him and patted his stomach, earning laughs from the other members.

"Don't worry hyung, we'll get you fed."

"Ah, thank you Yoongi-ah. Um, could you let go of me?"

The 8the Member (Yoongi x male! OC) Where stories live. Discover now