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I finally pull my car in the dorms' parking lot and climb out of it, quickly hurrying inside. I keep in my tears until I make sure I'm alone, then I press my back against the wall, sliding down and sitting on the cold floor, crying into my palms. I hug my knees to my chest, sobbing hard.

"I'm ba-" Maggie enters the room, but cuts herself off when she sees me. "Oh my God, Eve! What happened?" she kneels down next to me and forces my hands away from my face. I just shake my head, burrying my face in her shoulders. Maggie wraps her arms comfortingly around me, rubbing my back up and down.

My roommate helps me up to my feet and onto my bed. We lay back down, and Maggie hugs me from behind and caresses my arm.


I wake up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare. I breath heavily as I quickly sit up on my bed, looking around the room. It's all black, but I can make out Maggie's figure on the other bed. I squeez my eyes shut while I regain my normal breathing. When that happens, I stand to my feet and walk into the bathroom. I switch on the lights, walking over to the mirror and looking at my reflection. I look horrible, it's crystal clear that I've been crying for hours. My eyes are red and swollen, my hair is a mess and my makeup is everywhere on my face.

I wash off my makeup, splashing my face with some cold water. I walk back into the room, switching off the lights in the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Maggie's raspy voice startles me and I jump, almost falling over.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie, walking over to my bed and laying down. I turn my back to Maggie, hoping she won't force me to say the truth. I'm not okay, but I don't want to say it out loud, because it would be worse.

While I was crying on her shoulders, I told Maggie everything. She was on my side yet again, which I'm really thankful for, but Brad has been her best friend since so many years. I don't want to be the one who steps between their friendship and ruin everything.


I decide against going to my classes today, I haven't slept all night after my nightmare and I don't want to show up like this in front of so many people. Maggie told me she'll stay with me.

"So... what do you say about grabbing some coffee? You could use some," the dark haired girl suggests.

"Fine," I agree. Since I got ready this morning, but found myself to weak to go to school, I just have to wait for Maggie to get ready as well.

"Okay. I'll drive, so you can just sit and close your eyes until I order for the both of us," she smiles at me.

"Where are we going?" I ask as she starts dressing up.

"Starbucks drive-thru," she informs me, stepping into her jeans and pulling them up her legs.

After she brushes her hair, we walk towards her car. I occupy the passenger seat, while she sits in the driver's seat, pulling out of the parking lot and driving towards Starbucks. When I was living in New Jersey, I used to go to Starbucks a lot with my "friends".

I lean my head against the window and close my eyes as Maggie turns the radio on. She knows I like to sleep with music whenever I'm in a car.

A few minutes later, Maggie shakes me awake. I look around me, finding ourselves in a parking lot. My roommate hands me my coffee and I take a sip. I don't know what kind of coffee this is, but it tastes really good.

"Like it?" Maggie smirks at me. I nod my head in response, feeling the coffee already having its effect over me. I don't feel so sleepy anymore.

"Thank you," I hug her. She shoots me a soft smile and pulls out of the praking lot.

DECEPTION; Bradley SimpsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang