Chapter Twenty-One

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a/n: in the time I haven't been updating, I've been obsessed with The Lightning Thief the Musical. I saw it a couple weeks ago and have been reading the Percy Jackson books again, so if you're looking for a fandom to re-indulge or dive into, I totally recommend The Lightning Thief!! it's A+ work (and it has George Salazar as Grover) ~car

also, thank you to my lovely editors — Locally_Gay  and Madddie_Hatter  for helping me edit this chapter!! they're such sweeties❤️❤️



Player One aka dumbass: (1:36pm) Tonight at 8? Arcade?

Player Two aka the cooler dumbass: (1:36pm) I'll see you there.


"Are you meeting your kids at the arcade?" Jeremy's Uber driver asked.

Jeremy blinked, ". . . Uh, no. I don't, uh, have kids. I'm 18."

"Well kids are coming out young, you know."

"I don't kids, five stars, bye!" Jeremy had never bolted out of a car so fast in his life.

After the scrawny male had made it inside, he started searching for his mole-ridden friend. Through the twelve-year-olds who weren't even half their height (or the thirteen-year-olds who were twice their size), it wasn't that hard to find him (mostly because Michael was hunched over, face against the glass and jerking the joysticks of the Pac-Man game in the arcade). Jeremy shuffled through the sea of hormones to get to Michael. As Jeremy loomed over the black haired male, his hand hovered over Michael. Once it touched Michael's back, the Filipino jumped back and looked at Jeremy with a slightly panicked look on his face. Michael pushed his (foggy) glasses up his nose a bit and looked Jeremy in the eye.

"Dude. . . there's something called 'talking'. Not touching my back and rubbing it like a complete pedo." Michael retorted with a slightly snarky tone in his voice.

"Sorry sorry, I got nervous! You know how I overthink things and then it gets jumbled up in my head and then it just like, my body reacts!" Jeremy rambled, scrambling to find some type of answer

"You got nervous. . With me? You've known me for like, twelve years. You should know me good enough to not be nervous."

"I can't help it, it just happens." Jeremy responded.

"Whatever floats your boat, pal." Michael shrugged, then looked back towards the game, "You killed my last Pac-Man life! What an ass." His eyes squinted before he straightened his body.

Michael just started waking off without a word toward Jeremy. The brunette followed shortly behind his tall friend, Michael braving the crowd and getting through the screaming six year olds who went to the off-budget Chuck-E-Cheese that they were at for their birthday. Michael had lead Jeremy outside to his car, a confused look painting itself over Jeremy's face. Once the two male's plopped into Michael's PT Cruiser, Jeremy opened his mouth to say something.

The Filipino held up a finger, "Don't say anything." He said with a deep breath in. His chest rose and he felt his body getting a bit lighter.

Jeremy shut his mouth real fast. He could hear his own breaths as he waited anxiously for words to leave Michael's mouth. The brunette gulped, and kept his eyes fixated on his friend.

"You know how you've never been to that house I took you to the other day. . Right? And that's weird. . Also right?"


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