Chapter Five

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"Are you sure I did the right thing by making a deal with Rich?" Jeremy asked, pacing around his bedroom.

"Why are you so stressed about it?" Michael questioned, sitting criss-cross-applesauce (as Jeremy's dad called it) on the brunette's bed, "The deal benefits you more than it does him!"

"Still! I guess it's just the memories from last time Rich and I made a deal." Jeremy responded, pursing his lips

"I'm sure this will all blow over. In fact, there's nothing to blow over! Everything's fine." He paused, "Hey, how 'bout this? We get your mind off of this nonsense by whipping out a game of. . . Whatever you have."

The brunette tilted his head for a moment as he thought about it, "Okay. . . Lets." And with that, they were off.


Soon enough, Michael left Jeremy's house with a signature handshake and two levels beat in whatever video game they were raving about this week (they had a new one every week, but are we really surprised?).

"Adios, amigos!" Jeremy exclaimed as Michael walked out with his backpack slung around his shoulder.

The Filipino stopped, and turned to Jeremy. "What?"

"Adios, amigos?"

Michael took a second, "Okay. Bye!" He walked off.


Michael had his face cupped into his hands, his own palms caressing his face. His glasses were littered somewhere on the couch, along with his socks and a patch that had peeled off his sweater earlier that day. The only light in the room was the shining of the TV in front of him thanks to the basement door being closed above and the only lights on being in the staircase down. The Filipino's back shook slightly, and his breathing got quicker.

He let his hands drop and he stared forward blankly. Michael exhaled slowly, cheeks puffing up as he did so. Michael's life had hit a bump in the road, and his body wasn't coping so well with it. Or not as well as he wanted it too. Michael ran his fingers through his hair, and let out a breath.

"You're okay, Michael. ." The Filipino muttered, "You're okay. This isn't the end of the world. . This. . This is okay." Michael's assuring words didn't seem too encouraging at the moment.

Stress was coursing through his veins and anxiety was crawling up his spine. He hated this feeling. This feeling of helplessness, seeing as there was nothing he could do about it.

That was until he heard a squeaky, shrill opening of a door. Footsteps ran down the stairs quickly, a Thud! with each step.

"Hey, Mike! Are you down here?" A familiar voice called out.

Michael wiped his sweater over his nose, and cleared his throat, "Yeah, I'm here."

"Good! I wanted to know if you had the answer to— Are you okay?!"

The Filipino nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine," someone said beside him.

"It's just. . . You know how Jeremy is. That deal he made with you earlier is really stressing him out, and him stressing out makes me stress out!" Michael exclaimed, "It's contagious!"

Rich laughed slightly, "Don't worry about it. Jeremy's a big boy, he'll get over it. I think you're over exaggerating and letting this situation get way closer to your head than it has to be. It doesn't even involve you, so relax. Besides, it benefits him a TON as long as I follow through."

"You're following through, right?" Michael cocked a brow

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"Because I know how you are." His eyes narrowed.

"Okay, okay. I promise to go through with it. Is that good enough for you, brotha?"

"Fine." He rubbed his temples, "It's a deal."

Maybe Rich was right. Maybe Michael was over exaggerating this whole thing and making it bigger than it actually was. He was just stressing himself more than he had to. Right?

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