editor reveal!!

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first of all, thank you to everyone who applied! i didn't expect to get so many submissions and i really appreciate it!

before i announce the editors, i want to make you all aware that i don't have the money to pay my editors. i can give my own gratitude and credit, but i can't pay with currency. if you're chosen to be an editor and this is a problem for you, feel free to decline.

with that being said, don't be discouraged if you don't get chosen to be an editor! for the honorable mentions, you will have an editor offer for Endure, Outlast, Withstand offered to you if you're still interested.

anyways, thanks again and let's get on with it!

EDITOR 1: Locally_Gay . I wanted to choose someone I knew I could trust, and someone I've known for a long time. I know her writing style and think she would be a really good fit since she is familiar with the characters (my take on them), my writing style and Wattpad is a whole. I may be a bit biased since she's one of my close friends, but meh.

EDITOR 2: Madddie_Hatter ! I liked your take on my dialogue and how you weren't afraid to let me know things that I needed to do better. I like your style and hope we can become friends in the future :)

EDITOR 3: mox-satanas ! I loved your writing style and your constructive criticism was delivered in a really nice way! I hope I can get to know you better and we can build a bond.

Congratulations, editors!! If you would like to decline, feel free to do so. if an editor drops out, an honorable mention/runner-ups will be able to move up and replace that position.

Anyways, here are the honorable mentions!!

_DayDevil_ and -midnightradio- !!

you guys can edit for EOW if you would like, but you can always decline!

thank you all so much for all the submissions! it means a lot, and it was really hard to decide! everyone, please still feel free to comment things that I could work on and things you see in my chapter that can be fixed.

all of you, just because you didn't get chosen doesn't mean that you can't text me! text me whenever you want :) i would love to get to know you guys and become friends!

anyways, thank you all for submitting! honorable mentions and winners, feel free to DM me if there's any confusion. for people who didn't win and want to know why, feel free to DM also.

that's all for tonight. for the last time, thank you!! have a great day:)❤️❤️


ps. editors, if you have Instagram send ur @ my way so I can make a gc!

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