Chapter One

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Credit to Alvistem on Devianart for the cover art!!

not everything in here aligns with canon, but everything in the book is done with intention, so just be patient and let things figure itself out :)


noc·tur·nal e·mis·sion

Dictionary result for nocturnal emissionnounnoun: nocturnal emission; plural noun: nocturnal emissions

an involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep.

Jeremy wasn't an outgoing guy, that was obvious. He stuck to himself and clung to the walls most of the time. The only time he'd speak up and be apart of the crowd was when he was with one person; Michael Mell. His best friend, partner in crime, and player one. Speaking of Michael, the two friends were running down the hall, making a mad dash to the main door so that they could get out of their hellhole of a school.

"My house?" Jeremy asked as they bursted out the main doors of the school.

"Yeah." Michael nodded, his voice breathy and worn from running down a whole one hall.

The two slowed down once they were out of the crowd of the school, soon walking at a slow, comfortable pace. The pace of Jeremy's breathing had started to die down at this point. The brunette's fingers danced over the straps of his backpack, a resting face of anxiety appearing. It wasn't that he was nervous or anxious or anything, it was just a resting face of his. Odd, I know.

"So," Michael started, "Apocalypse of the Damned, right?" He questioned.

"You guessed it." The brunette responded, looking over at his best friend.

The tan male nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He looked forward and away from Jeremy, the wind blowing harshly. It caused Michael's fluffy black hair to whirl around in the wind and made him hold onto his backpack a little bit tighter. Michael took off his glasses and cleaned them on his red hoodie, squinting his eyes as his glasses were off. He put them back on, licking his lips afterward.

Eventually, they reached Jeremy's house. The two dashed inside, heading straight to the basement. They didn't even give Jeremy's dad time to say hello and greet the boys, but that wasn't a huge deal to the kids running upstairs. The two of them jumped onto the bean bags in Jeremy's room, grabbing remote controllers.

"Player one. . ." Michael murmured, his controller lighting up as it turned on.

Jeremy glanced at his friend, the light of his controller shining on his face as well. He turned his head back to the screen, Michael starting the game shortly after.

"Level nine," they said in unison, "the cafetorium!"

With that, they played on and did their thing.


"Boys?" Jeremy's dad traveled down the stairs to find the boys cursing and screaming at each other, and the TV. The kids looked entranced as they defeated what seemed to be zombies.

"Boys!" He repeated, voice a bit louder this time.

Michael paused the game at the speed of light, he and Jeremy whipping their heads around to see Jeremy's dad standing there, staring them down.

(a/n: before you comment anything please be aware that Michael having one dad is INTENTIONAL!! I've gotten so many comments abt how he canonically has two moms,, It's something that I made for the development of the later plot. — and before it was canon. anyways, thank you!)

"It's time for Michael to leave." He told them, earning a groan from Jeremy in response, "It's getting late, and I don't think Michael's dad would want his son walking in the dark."

Michael nodded, hoisting himself off of the beanbag. Jeremy got up as well, he and his best friend doing their obviously rehearsed handshake. The Filipino smiled, then grabbed his backpack. He started to head down the stairs after saying his goodbyes to Jeremy.

The lanky brunette nodded at Michael as he left, then turned to his room and closed the door, nearly slamming the door while doing it. Before the door slammed, he rushed to grab the knob, causing the door to come to a sudden halt. He closed it gently before putting his backpack in the chair near his desk and crashing onto his bed. The bed bounced a bit due to the pressure but soon stopped after a couple bounces.

Jeremy sighed, his eyes scanning the ceiling. It was just a ceiling, nothing too interesting about it. Jeremy started to get lost in his own world, his brain taking him somewhere he didn't even know. He'd completely zoned out, only realizing it when he'd been broken out of that trance when his phone rang a few times.

He groaned, propping his body up as he pulled his phone out of the pocket of his cardigan. He turned his phone on, the light almost blinding him for a moment. When his eyes adjusted, he saw that he had a text from Christine. He cocked a brow for a second, his heart fluttering the next when reality that she texted him had hit. Jeremy clicked on the text.

'Hey Jeremy!! Just wanted to say thanks for your help in study hall today. Appreciate it!!'

A smile painted itself onto his face, the skin near his eyes wrinkling for a moment. A text from Christine! That was exciting. Jeremy's fingers glided over the keyboard of his phone as he wrote out a response.

'No problem, it was my pleasure'

He turned his phone off after that, it not beeping again for the rest of the night. In a few minutes, Jeremy was curled up in bed, doing his thing until he eventually fell asleep.

Jeremy drifted off into his dream, sleep taking over him.

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