Chapter Two: Best Friends

Start from the beginning

They then came back for the last time the day after that. Then they had to leave New York and finish the tour. We all exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch over the next few months. They stopped back in New York and spent two days with us eight months later while they were on their way back home because the tour was finished. I can’t believe they had actually wanted to spend time with me. I knew they met me out of pity, but I just hoped they didn’t continue seeing me for the same reason.

Now here they were, three months later, on the one year anniversary of Maddi’s death. They knew this, and I’m imagining that was the reason why they chose today to come back.

“What are we going to do today, love?” Zayn asked and threw his arm around my shoulders casually. I heard someone scoff and turned to see Liam shaking his head and looking back at his phone. What the hell was his issue?! The others just looked at him and then sent me a sympathetic look. I sighed. They even knew that he hated me. I don’t even know what I did. He seemed fine when we first met. But the second day when they all came back to visit he was wrapped up in his phone. He ignored me whenever I spoke and completely avoided me. And I stress the fact that I didn’t even do anything wrong.

“I’m here!” Jules yelled and ran up to the boys and I. We all laughed, except for Liam cranky pants, and hugged her. I was surprised Jules hadn’t flipped out when they showed up in front of my house eleven months ago. She loved them so much. She definitely fan-girled to me after they left that night and I explained the message I had sent to Liam and how that was the reason they had showed up. She managed to control her fan-girl self whenever they were around though, so they had no problem with her.

“What are we going to do today?” Louis finally asked sitting down on my porch. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I have a softball game tonight, but before hand we could just hang out and catch up.” I shrugged.

“Good with me.” Niall agreed. Everyone else muttered their agreements and we all stood up and headed into the house.

“I’m going to go grab the bags.” Liam muttered and headed over to the van to get the stuff. The boys were going to be staying in the guest room at my house. No one acknowledged him as he walked away.

“I honestly don’t know what has gotten into him.” Zayn rolled his eyes. “He hasn’t been the same recently. And he’s even worse whenever we’re here!”

I rolled my eyes at my best friend’s stupidity.

“Come on Zayn, we all know it’s because he hates me.” I said simply.

“He doesn’t hate you Alex.” Harry ensured. I shook my head at the curly haired boy.

“You don’t need to lie… you all can tell.” I told them. Jules just gave me a sympathetic look.

“I don’t get it.” Niall said. “He was the one that brought us to you originally and now he gets all pissy around you. It makes no sense.” Niall growled in confusion. I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the couch between Zayn and Jules.

It's More of a "Hate, Hate" Thing... (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now