Chapter 16

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Before I begin I warn you. After this chapter I'm going to be the talking about the BOO spoilers that have recently surfaced. So if you don't want to know, skip the bottom part. Okay. Love you. Here's a chapter.


Leo was tired of the color blue. Its all he has seen for two days straight. Blue skies and see. He wished that it would rain that way the sky would be a different color.

But it's been the same for days upon days. At first he thought he was getting close but then when he landed in Mexico after days of flying realized that he wasn't that close.

"Well Festus..." Leo said hopping off. "The thing brought us here...lets see why."

Leo walked until he reached a small town. He turn Festus into a bag and rolled him along as they walked into the town.

Some of the locals watched him as he walked by, giving him strange looks. It was probably a weird sight, a 15 year old kid walking down the street with a metal suitcase, but he was used to it. he would get weird looks all the time from people when he ran away a lot as a kid. It's just something you learn to brush off and keep going.

When they reached the center of the town Leo knew they were the right spot.

There was a statue of a man in the middle of the town, Leo didn't take the time to read how it was because that not what was so interesting about it. On the back of the statue right in the metal mans heel there was a delta sign.

He tired to remember the story behind deltas, something about that they were an opening...

Leo snapped his fingers as his thoughts and memory clicked.

The Labyrinth!

"Festus...I think we have been going about this all wrong! That's why this stupid astrolabe won't work! We've been looking in the wrong spots. Instead of the sky we should've been under ground!"

Festus clicked a whirled what are we waiting for?!

"Alright, alright. How does this work again..." Leo put his hand on it to inspect it but then the delta glowed a dull blue then a hole appear in the ground right beside him.

Leo took a deep breath before going down into the hole. As soon as his feet met the ground the hole above him closed and he was plunged into complete darkness.


Hey! So it's been a while!

Leo's going to experience the labyrinth which should be pretty fun to write!

So a couple thing before I rant a little bit about B.O.O.

I GOT ASKED TO HOMECOMING! WOOHOO! Look at me. Moving up and up in the world.

Alright so now I'm going to talk a little bit about the spoilers for B.O.O.

So for those who don't want spoilers

Love ya!


Okay. So I'm going to tell you how I feel about the spoilers release!

First Jason gets glasses?? This isn't really big but omg. Jason is going to be an even bigger dork.


Will and Nico are hinted to be a thing. Which makes me so happy. I can't omg.

Biggest thing (like always) were the Leo spoilers.

Apparently Piper is trying to get Gaea to go to sleep and then I guess something happens with Leo and he destroys her, good job bby, I guess Octavian is there too(???) and him and Leo both end up dying. But don't cry! They bring Leo back to life with some healing thing thank god. And then leo goes and saves Calypso.

That's about all I saw but THANK GODS Leo doesn't stay dead. THANK. GODS. But I would just like to say...I WAS RIGHT! NOT ABOUT THEM HEALING HIM BUT RIGHT ABOUT HIM DYING WHICH I probably shouldn't be that proud of.

But CALEO IS A GOING TO BE THING! But c'mon its too cute not too.

So that's about it, sunshines!

Love ya!


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