Chapter 6

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Piper couldn't wait to get to camp. Her dad was driving her and Jason to the camp. Telling them to be good and stay out of trouble, blah, blah. Piper felt like Leo. She couldn't stay still she was tapping her hands and feet. Her mind wondered place to place.

"Here we are!" Her dad said. Piper burst out of the car and grabbed her stuff.

"Thank you, Mr. Mclean...piper..." Jason started.

"IM SO EXCITED TO SEE EVERYBODY! DO YOU THINK ANNABETH IS HERE YET?!" Piper said. She ran to her dad and kissed him on the cheek. "love you see you after break!" and she ran into camp followed by Jason who was struggling with the bags.


After Piper and Jason put her stuff in her cabin, they went to put Jason's stuff away. When they came in they saw Rachel standing looking at Jason's pictures. She did this a lot so no one really questioned it.

"Hi Rachel!" Piper said giving her a hug. She smelled like paint and markers.

"Hey Pipes! Can you meet me in the big house later please?" Piper nodded. Why couldn't she talk now? "You too, Jason. I'll see you too later." She said and left.

"What was that about?" Jason said starting to unpack.

"Who knows?" Piper shrugged "she the oracle. She never makes sense. Even when she is not speaking prophecy. Well not all the time, sometimes though."

"I guess we will have to push back seeing Leo and the others." Jason said. They hadn't seen they're best friend in a couple months.

"Yea..." Piper was bummed. She missed that funny smile and stupid jokes. She missed Annabeth and they're breakfast joke. She even missed Nico, which was weird. She was brought out of her spell when Jason kissed her. It felt good to kiss him again.

"It's going to be fine. They can wait a little longer." He smiled. His scar moved in the cutest way when he smiled.

"Ok." Piper said. "can you kiss me again?" Jason laughed and kissed her again.

"Let's go see what Rachel wants." he said taking her hand and they walked towards the big house.



Cliff hanger. I think we all know what Rachel wants to tell them.


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