Chapter 13

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Only the mumbles of the crowd and the crackle of the smoky fire added sound to the silent night.

Annabeth squeezed Percy's hand.

I know who the titans daughter is.

Why did Rachel not tell them right then if she knew? What kept her from telling them? The wheels in Annabeth's head spun so fast it made her dizzy.

"Hey." Percy said shaking her a little taking her back to the real world. "Everything is going to be fine. We will figure it out, like always."

Annabeth smiled and shook her head a little bit. She opened her mouth to say something but Chiron hit his hoof to the ground silencing the crowd.

"Evening everyone." Chiron's big booming voice seemed to fill everything around them. "We have a couple announcements...One is who ever stole the girls bathrooms shower curtains and doors please return them by the morning or I will personally hunt you down."

Giggles came from the crowd. Annabeth would laugh if she didn't know what he was really trying to do. He was trying to avoid the news that really needed to be told.

"Second thing. Hephaestus cabin, please sharpen weapons and clean equipment for next weeks camp game, Romans turn to choose the game."

Annabeth felt like her chest was closing. She anticipated the news that was coming. Who was Leo searching for?

"Lastly." Chiron sighed. "You may all be wondering why Festus flew out this morning..." Murmurs filled the crowd. Chiron hit his hoof on the ground. "Leo Valdez left this morning on a quest. Details will be shared later."

Annabeth looked over to the Hephaestus cabin. They sat still in shock. Had Leo not told them?

"He will be gone for a couple months but part of his quest includes finding a titans daughter. In fact that is his quest...but Rachael has seen who this titans daughter is." Rachael stepped forward. Annabeth's chest pounded.

"Calypso." Percy's grip tightened around her hand. Gasps and confusion came from crowd.

"That's all" Chiron said quickly. "You are dismissed."

The others left quickly. She heard sobs from the Hephaestus cabin. Nyssa was sobbing and some people hugged her and patted her back wiping their own tears. Guess they were closer than Annabeth ever considered. He is the cabin consular...

Percy stood and walked towards Rachael.

"Get him back here right now." Percy said.

"Why?" Annabeth and Rachael said at the same time.

"Calypsos island his impossible to find there is no way he is going to find it." Percy said with this calm anger, or was it worry.

"The oracle has given him the quest. He must for fill it. He can't ignore it." Rachael said and she turned just before she left she added "I have faith in him."


Aw thanks for being supportive of my baby, Rachael!

Well that's it for this time.

Remember to vote, comment, and whatnot

Love ya!


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