Chapter 15

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It's been two months. Piper sat in her boring school with a bunch of boring people and she desperately missed her best friend.

Jason had noticed she was so lonely and came to visit her for a few weeks but he left yesterday...back to camp.

She was alone again. Missing her best friend. Not knowing if he was alive or dead. NEEDING to see him smile and laugh. She didn't know it would hurt this bad to be removed from your best friend.

They were a team. A pack, and when you lose someone like that it isn't like loosing family. It's like loosing a part of you. Like loosing a limb.

Stop thinking like that! Piper scolded herself. He's alive and well finding the love of his life! He's fine.

Piper was walking to the bus stop. It was in the middle of February but she lived in San Francisco so it was still warm. She wondered if it was cold were Leo was...

Piper sighed. She finally arrived at the bus stop. She checked her that was a long walk maybe she should get something to pick up the pace. maybe a longboard...

There was 3 old ladies at the bus stop chatting. When Piper arrived they all turned towards her. They all mumbled to each other like kids these days...

Maybe it was because of her hair? She recently let it grow out but it was still choppy and uneven so it looked messier than ever... she also stopped caring about clothes so she was wearing a white washed pair of shorts with combat boots and a boys red and grey flannel with a grey crop top under it with a giant hello kitty on the front (it used to be a tank top but she got tired of it) She also wore a grey beanie on her head.

Wow I do look like a hoodlum...maybe I should buy a skateboard... Piper thought.

The old ladies got up and walked away.

Piper usually didn't care about what people thought of her but it almost hurt.

She felt even more alone.

Piper REALLY missed her best friend.

~one bus ride later~

Piper flopped on to the couch. She didn't want to do her homework. It was a Friday she had all weekend.

She was about nap when the phone rang. It was probably her dad checking in on her. He was out filming so every other day he would call and check up on her.

She cared about her dad to much to let it ring.

She got up and picked up the phone.

"Yes?" Piper said.

"Hello Piper! It's Chiron! How have you been?"

Piper was surprised. The camp usually never uses cellphones unless it was too important to even use Iris message.

"I'm fine...what up Chiron."

"Well I have just received and Iris message from Leo." Chiron said. Pipers heart skipped a beat.

"Is he okay? What did he say? where is he? Has he found her? Has anything bad happened?"

"He's fine...He told me everything that is happened...I would tell you but he didn't tell but he thinks he's close...he met a little girl around ten, child of Nemesis...she sacrificed herself for him."

"Oh gosh."

"Well I can't talk anymore Piper I must let you go...i just wanted to let you know...take care."

"You too."

Chiron hung up and Piper stood in a trace listening to the buzz off the ended call. She set the phone down and couldn't help but smile.

He was okay.

Then she was okay.



This was a pretty long one I'm proud!

Vote, share, whatnot

Have an awesome day sunshines (or if it's night then sleep tight!)


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