Chapter 2!

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Piper lied. she didn't need help. She felt bad because she heard Leo talking more than just "sure" or "be right there'"or even "I'm busy I'll help soon". But she wanted some alone time with Jason. Leo can't have him to himself. besides they should talk about how to deal with him. Also Piper and him aren't going to have a lot of time for just them for a while. might as well have it now.

"The stables need to be cleaned and it our job." she lied. Jason sighed. They headed to the stables.

"This place is spotless Piper..." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Yea I know I lied. But we need some alone time." she said "also we need to talk about...Leo." She said stepping closer. She kissed him. This was the first kiss they have had since the war. she let go taking his blue eyes "I need that" she said. she could've stared at his eyes all day. It reminded her of the sky and watching the clouds pass but. but she couldn't. she backed away and sighed. "Now that I got that out of the were speaking to him what did he say?" Jason just looked at her. his eyes full of sad now.

"I can't say." Jason said he shrugged "sorry bro code." bro code?

"So you're just not going to tell me?" Piper exclaimed "I should be able to help I'm his best friend too! I can-" Jason shut her up with another kiss. she didn't mind.

"It's just something that he is not ready to share." Jason looked really serious. "ok?"

"Ok" piper said "did you just charmspeak me?" Jason laughed it was like someone dunked her in cold water. sending excited chills up her spine.

"Only you can do that. No you just listen to me." Jason said holding her still.

The loudspeaker creaked a clicked then Leo voice came on "we have arrived!" Leo tried to sound excited but his voice croaked he was probably cried recently.

"Time to go." Jason said. she smiled. "we're home pipes."

When they arrived...(pjo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now