Chapter 11

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"do you think Piper will be okay?" Hazel asked playing with the ends of her hair.

"Of course." Annabeth said, squeezing her shoulder. Annabeth liked Hazel calm because she didn't like her fathers ring floating towards Hazel when she was nervous. "Piper is strong and Jason can handle her."

"Annabeth's right. It is a hard thing to think about sense Piper is Leo's only family and she's pretty protective." Frank helped. Hazel smiled at them.

"Okay. I'm going to the campfire. Frank?" She offered her arm and Frank took it with no hesitation. They waved and left the big house talking to each other in small whispers.

Rachel came in as soon as they left. "Everything go okay?"

"Yeah. Piper ran Jason went to go calm her down." Percy said, Annabeth looked at Rachel. Both their eyes went boys...

"Well Chrion is going to announce why Leo left at the campfire." Rachel said.

"They don't know?" Annabeth asked.

"He knew that he was going to get one I think...but we didn't he never said anything. In fact, after you all left he stopped talking. All he did was train and build Festus, eat and sleep, sometimes. He only talked a little too his siblings and the people he trained with. Which by the way Percy, he's almost as good as you. But when he got it he just left to prepare."

"Really?" Annabeth said. It perplexed her, Leo was a big mouth, not talking is not his thing.

"He can't be as good as me." Percy mumbled. Rachel either didn't hear or pretended not to. She continued.

"The thing is...He got his quest last night. Everyone saw him leave and every one is asking why. Only you guys know sense not a lot of kids are hear during winter." Rachel sighed then stiffened. Annabeth thought it was the oracle but it was still Rachel.

"W-What's wrong" Percy said finally paying attention.

"I know." Rachel said. "I know who the titans daughter is."

"Is it someone dangerous?" Annabeth asked. Rachel shook her head. She opened her mouth but the horn lew.

"I'll tell you and the others at the campfire." She said quickly and left, back still stiffened. Percy took Annabeths hand, giving it a little squeeze. She loved when he did that, she weanted to kiss him but they had more important things to do. Kissing later.

"Campfire?" Percy asked.

"Campfire." Annabeth said.

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