Chapter 7

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What Piper did not expect is for her friends to be there. They were all arguing with Rachel until they walked in. Hazel's eyes were red. Percy looked bored. Annabeth looked like she was going to stab someone. Frank looked scared of Annabeth who was standing next to him.

"Where's Leo?" Jason asked. That's true why wasn't Leo here if the others were. The others were silent. Her chest felt like it was being slowly ripped out.

"No..." Piper said. stumbling backward. Jason caught her before she fell.

"You two should sit." Frank said. Offering them chairs.

"I WILL NIT SIT!" Piper screamed. "NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME! How did he...he-"

"He's not dead yet." Percy said. "hopefully. His quest sounds dangerous. One demigod all by himself for months that's dangerous." Annabeth slapped Percy and started yelling at him in Greek. Percy came back

"Percy I don't understand underwater talk." Annabeth said calmly.

"I can't understand Greek! I caught abomination of a created though." Percy sad a little bitterly.

"Wait...Leo is on a quest?" Jason said "by himself? it's going to be months? I...I don't understand..."

Rachel explained his prophecy.

The fire child rides alone.

For months he will not return home.

A promise that was craved in stone.

A friend will take the blow.

Titians child will live below.

Great prophecy complete at last

Two ladies compete through a test.

"We don't really understand what it means is a little less complex than the seven prophecy."

"Titans child?" Piper said "who would that be?"

"Not sure. Lots of Titan kids." Hazel said. "But it doesn't hint deaths right?"

"A friend will take the blow? sounds like death or injury." Frank said.

"Well that means that Leo will be fine right?" Piper said

"Unless Leo is the friend." Percy said. Annabeth hit him again. Then she put her hands on Pipers shoulders looking at her with those stormy grey eyes full of sympathy.

"He will be fine. Ok?" Annabeth desired her.

"Ok. I-" she looked at her friends they looked ready to comfort her if she broke down or restrain if she went into an axe throwing rage. "I need to take a walk." And she ran out of the big house.

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