Chapter 4

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It was winter break now. Leo is an all year camper and took online school on the camps only computer. The others go to school together. Tomorrow they will come to camp for break and Leo wouldn't be there.

He had a quest. and a prophecy.

The fire child rides alone.

For months he will not return home.

A promise that was craved in stone.

A friend will take the blow.

Titians child will live below.

Great prophecy complete at least.

Two ladies compete through a test.

Sounds fun right! He was heading to the bunker when Chiron stopped him.

"Percy and Annabeth arrived. The least you could do is tell them good bye." he said looking at him with concern. probably the fact that the oracle said that I will be gone for months.

Leo sighed. "Alright Chiron...So Piper and Jason can know why I'm gone."

Before everybody left for school, Leo and Percy got in a pretty big fight. It was Leo's fault he was too worked up an Percy was just being a good friend and asked what was wrong. the fight ended when Annabeth stepped in between a wet Leo and about to be burned Percy. They made up but know they are just kinda silent towards each other. At least Annabeth will be there.

"Good and please do take care. Come, I will take you take you to them." So Leo followed Chiron to Percy and Annabeth.

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