Part 16

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"Our sweet Princess, I know this must come as a big shock and how frightened you must be right now, we did everything in our power to save you, and we failed. I know you have a lot of questions but what you need to know is that we love you every much and at the time of writing this letter there was a threat towards our pack, a greater threat to your life so we did what we thought was best for you, you must have discovered that you are different from ordinary people, it must be scary on your own."

I fold it over as my mouth began to tremble as tears flowed down my cheeks, Trent leaned in and kissed me on my forehead.

"Your dad is Alpha of the Midnight Crescent Pack and i'm their Luna, we lived a very good life together and where loved by many we didn't make our titles known, we were peaceful and acted like part of the ordinary people, thou your dad the Alpha had strict rules, no one would every betray us, the other wolves became our family so the pack grew and grew.

When you where born we cried with joy and happiness, the best thing to ever have happened the excitement of your arrival echoed throughout the village, one thing that made us a complete family "Our heiress" was born, you used to run around with Sara and Jeremy's son, Trent you two where inseparable and always together you made the village people so happy, even the pack laughed, the day you began to walk you raised everyone spirits with your white aura spreading through the village." 

"The part of our betrayal came from family your dad's only bother Ross your uncle, All he wanted to do was rule, he became jealous, undermining every decision made trying to get other pack members to join his rebellion against your father,  when you were born, the Alpha leader of the Pack would fall on to you, he wasn't next in line, he became frantic, irrational profoundly immoral and wicked, your dad removed him from the castle for the sake of your life but he managed to escape and disappeared, when clearing out his room the Beta Jeremy saw his plan on how to get rid of you then kill your dad." 

"So we came up with a plan in case things went wrong should we fail to protect you..."

"Just know we would have done anything to keep you safe, we were to late, We're Sorry Sweetheart, just know that we have loved you since the day you were born and always will, when you read this you need to find the strength, find others like you create a plan and take back what is rightfully yours, bring peace and happiness back to Midnight Crescent.

Your loving Mother Erin" 

I lay the letter down one side and picked up a photograph it was slightly faded but we could clearly see their faces, that is your dad, your mom with you and I hear him take a deep breath as tears roll down his cheek that my dad, my mom and I, he manged to say all to quietly trying to fight back his tears. 

He was hurt he still feels all the pain, sorrow and anger, and its all because of me, we both lost so much that night, I lift the box and put it next to my bed i turn to face him leaning in to embrace him with a hug, we starred at each other for awhile until I kissed him, 

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