Part 9

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*Sapphire point of view*

My father is dead because of me, mom lost a life partner and a husband and my brother and sister lost their father.... my father........

i flash back to a few minutes before she left, i looked at my mom giggling, it as if she saw that memory play in her mind while talking to me. I also giggled a little I to remembered that day..

Something is still not right, Trent and Linda are not telling me everything,  Why?

Trent, that feeling i get every time he looks into my eyes, i can't help but smile

The nurse comes in, I don't notice at first but she paused then bowed and walked towards me, time to wash young lady, my face goes completely red, she giggles i still need her help i'm not able to stand fully on my own from the cut across my belly, she is a sweet old lady in her late forties early fifties maybe, she removes the bandages and wipes away the dried scabs as she lays a warm cloth on my wound, as she removes the cloth and said Healing nicely princess - its Sa -Sapphire i say before screaming as she places the new ointment on its burns i yelled, the guards came in by the door the nurse grabs the towel covers me up, turns to them so fast and screams GET OUT!! HOW DARE YOU ENTER WITHOUT PERMISSION.. "sorry sorry they mumble as they left".

Wasn't to long before there was mumbling coming from outside the door again, then there was a knock "Can i come in",

"not yet they can wait till we done"I whisper softly to the nurse - OK she muttered 

Not yet she shouted making sure she was heard. The nurse slowly pulls a warm top over my head, i can't lift my arms up with out having excruciating pain run over my stomach so i have to lean forward as the nurse slowly puts my arms in first and as I lean up, she brings it over my head and pulls it down to my waist.. up in bed she says

 "argh can't i walk for a bit please" i begged. 

She looked into my eyes i can see she wants to say yes but stays stern; 'No Sapphire you need to get back into bed'...... "Darnit" i mumble under my breath, she shoots another look at me then giggles as she is cleaning up before she headed out.. as she turns to leave "at-least someone is having a good laugh." i said but she didn't look back she just giggled more...   

She got to the doors My mom and Trent is there i hear her "the wound is healing nicely the poison is almost out she will be on her feet soon" They both let out a sigh of relief and a deep breath, Trent whispers Wolfsbane, my body stiffened, my heart started racing my breathing became more erratic i struggle to catch a breath in between before i even blinked Trent was by my side he knew something was wrong, my mother followed, Th- that what he used to kill Paul, I started sobbing with the mere thought of Amber's and Paul's laying on the ground in the own blood......

My mom sat quietly on the chair next to my bed leaving Trent to calm me down. Trent looks and says "Linda not now leave her be"  "No no" i'm fine I need to know the truth.... I whisper 

I know i'm not fine i can feel i'm not fine,but i need to know.. "WHO AM I"  those words hit me hard, my heart sinks, i could feel everything around me is not what they say it is, my mom is not my real mom, my dad is not my real dad, my brother and sister are not really my brother and sister... there is still show much i need to know.....

My mom clears her throat looks at me and continues... 

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