XXIII || Only the Stars Know

Start from the beginning

"I keep telling you not to make such hasty promises to me." You reprimanded softly, yet your voice was laced with amusement. "Don't you know? I'm divinity. If you don't follow through on your word, you'll be cursed for eternity."

Through all the pain, Link managed a large grin. "I know."

【 P R E S E N T L Y

The first thing you realized was how hard the ground felt against your back. The second thing you realized was the warmth that enveloped your body - like a cloud was swaddling you. The third thing you realized was the sparks that ran through your veins, sending your heart into overdrive.

The fourth and final realization took a while to process.

Your eyes fluttered open, and your vision was greeted by a pair of blue eyes - ones that reminded you of the summer sky.


You went to speak his name, only to have your voice come out sounding muffled.

You furrowed your brow, wondering why you were experiencing such difficulty speaking. Link's eyes twinkled slightly; he had realized you had regained consciousness. Then his gaze seemed to soften before his eyes fluttered closed.

Then everything clicked in your head.

You became hypersensitive to the fact that Link's bare hands, which were once clamped around your bare shoulders, had made their way to hold your face gently. Then you realized that his chest was pressed against your own, his heart beating in sync with yours. Finally, you became aware of his lips, which were pressed tightly against yours.

Link was kissing you.

"[Y/N]..." The Hylian male whispered as his lips left yours. He pulled back slightly, but only enough so that he could look into your wide, startled eyes. "I... Listen, I... I think I'm in lo-"

Before Link could finish his sentence, you had somehow managed to regain control of your body. Now you weren't proud of this, but your instincts kicked in, and your body reacted accordingly: You screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" You hurriedly pushed the male off you and scrambled away.

Your dominant hand was grasped tightly to the front of your towel, preventing it from slipping off your body. Your other was pressed tightly against your lips, holding back a string of profanities that threatened to escape. You stared at Link wide-eyed and flushed red, conveying him a wide range of expressions that you weren't even able to sort out properly.

Did that really just happen?

You weren't dreaming, were you?

Link had just kissed you?!

No, it can't be. There was just no absolute way. Yet the burning sensation on your lips told you otherwise.

The hero remained in his spot, completely unfazed by your sudden outburst. He scratched the back of his head, unsure of how to proceed. Slowly, Link rose to his feet. You watched him carefully and curiously. He returned your look, almost as if he was eager to see how you would react to his actions. Then he took a tentative step forward toward you. When you made no sudden movement to run, he continued to advance, stopping only until he was about a foot away. He kneeled to your level and reached a hand toward you. He stopped about half-way, however, and ultimately lowered his arm back down to his side.

"[Y/N], you... You passed out." Link finally explained with a small sigh. He was choosing his words carefully as if he was scared you'd run if he misspoke. "I thought maybe you had drowned, so I pulled you out and... Well..."

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