Time to face him. I know he didn’t do anything THAT bad, but he still lied. And I felt like an idiot in front of Emma. 

“Bloody hell Harry” I cursed as I pulled into our drive way having to pull out again. He parked in my spot. Little shit. 

After pulling out, I finally parked my car in the spare spot, my spot was better… just saying. It was under cover, come on!

I stalked up to the front door which was unlocked. I walked in to find no one in site. Thank god, I didn’t feel like facing Harry right now it was a tad awkward after me hanging up on him earlier. 

“Thought you where sick” Shit. Maybe I wasn’t alone. 

“Thought you where good looking, guess we where both wrong here” I smirked, trying to play it cool. This was fun. 

“Ouch” we walked past in nothing but his shorts. 

“It’s called a shirt Harry, maybe you should test one out” I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to find a bag of M&Ms from my snacking last night. Wow I though Niall already finished them? Meh. 

Heading into the lounge room where Harry was, he started to talk

“You know, you can be a real b-” 

“A real what Harry” I frowned standing in front of the TV to annoy him even further. 

He stood up and walked into our room. I sprinted after him trying to get to the room before him, luckily I did. 

“Ha, no. You will be sleeping on the couch tonight” Wow, Im such a bitch. He deserved it.

“Just because I said she was my cousin, you are acting like it’s the end of the world” he snapped trying to push past me. I held my feet flat on the ground.

“You really don’t get it do you, yeah you said she was your cousin but you where sending her crap saying that we should meet up and all these kisses and love hearts at the end of your sentences. Im sorry Harry, for being a bit...Mis Lead” I snapped harshly at him bringing my face and body closer to his. 

I didn’t realise that when I ‘raging’ at him that I had taken a small step each time which soon left him up against a wall. Normally in movies this is the part where they would break out into a make out session and everything would be okay, but i’m not going to let that happen. 

“You where ‘Mis Lead’ I wasn’t ‘Cheating’ on you Chloe, I broke things off with Emma before I met you, why can’t you get that through your hea-” 

“Shut up” I put my finger over his lips to get him to be silent. I wasn’t in the mood for his plead at the moment. I head a big head ache and wanted to get to bed. 

“Im going to bed” I stalked away into our bedroom shutting the door and not looking back. 

I got into my trackies and a tank top and went straight to bed. Tomorrow was the crews day off, so I didn’t have to set my alarm. Thank god. 

I let myself think about anything as I started to drift off to sleep. Wait, did I lock the door? Yeah I think I did… 


Im sorry this is a bad chapter :( I didn't know what to write and my partner was away. I PROMISE the next chapter will be more drama, and maybe cuteness... i don't know :$ again really sorry xx 


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