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Wanda's POV

Things have been going great with Vision lately. There's only one problem: everyone else.

For some reason they all act like 5 year olds about it. I mean, we haven't really made like a big announcement, they just noticed it but it's really uncomfortable.

They make jokes. I mean, stuff like saying "ooooh" when they see us. I mean, they're supposed to be grownups and they're still acting that way. I just wish we had more privacy but we just started dating and I wanna take things slow so there's not much I can do. Not yet, at least.

I started walking to Vision's room, which is next to mine but the doors are still a bit separated. "Haha, don't have too much fun in his room" said Tony as he walked past me (The lab is near our rooms so he comes here often). I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Hey" I said as I went into his room. He was sitting on the corner of his couch reading some book without the cover. He always reads hardcover books and takes that paper off. He looked up and smiled a bit "Hi." I sat next to him and he put an arm around my waist. "What are you reading?" I asked, though he was already closing it. "They Boy in the Striped Pijamas" he said. "Is it good?" "I like it." "So, I was thinking maybe we could go out today instead of staying here. Is that okay?" I asked. "Of course," he said, "Though I have a question." I looked into his eyes and nodded. He's cute. "Why is it that you've suddenly gotten incredibly interested in going out even though you used to hate it?" Right, this has been going out for a few weeks. I've tried to avoid staying here. "Two main reasons. 1. They all kind of act like 5 year olds," I said. He smiled a bit, which made me smile, too. "2. I just like having more privacy." "And you assume we have more privacy if we go out?" He said. It makes more sense when I actually explain it. "Yeah, I mean, here it just feels like when ever we do anything someone knocks on the door or stones in and says we have to do something or that they want to do something with us. I just want to be with you. Only you" I explained. "Okay" he said with his calm British voice. "Okay" I said, too. I placed a quick kiss on his lips before grabbing his hand and getting up. "Where should we go?" He asked. "Let's go for a walk. I like our little conversations"

I still want more privacy but this is good for now.

I'm kind of running out of ideas on what to write. I'll still write but I might end this book soon. I'll focus more on my one shots and incorrect quotes books

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