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Wanda's POV
I'm really nervous about what's going to happen with Vision. He's my best friend, or at least was my best friend. Nat says she wants to do something but I don't know, she's not exactly the 'romantic' type. I mean, she flirts a lot and stuff but she's just joking.

Normally when I feel uncomfortable (like really really uncomfortable), I get nightmares. I don't know, I guess maybe that's just my thing, the only thing I know how to do right. I've always (not always but almost) had nightmares. When I was little I had them because I was little, then my parents died, then I was experimented on, then Pietro died and Vision helped but now they're coming back. They're not that bad. I mean, they just started but over time, they'll get worse, they always do.

Vision's POV
I haven't really seen Wanda in a few days but I've heard her. At night she moans, I guess. Like she's uncomfortable, scared maybe. Not that I try to listen to her but our rooms are quite close and I have a great hearing ability so I've heard her. I'm not sure what's going on but it doesn't seem bad. I dunno, I guess I wouldn't know.

Wanda's POV
"You let me go" I turned around and saw him. Bullets all over his body, blood dripping on the floor. Fear and anger in his eyes. "I'm sorry" I said. I really am. "We grew up together, we lived together and now I'm dying alone" he said. "I'm sorr-" "No you're not" he said, walking over to me slowly. "You're not sorry" he said. "Why would you You be sorry?" He said slowly. I didn't know what to say. "You let me die, YOU KILLED ME!" Tears ran down my face. "It was your choice, you saved people. You died a hero-"I said. "And you live as a hypocrite. You're not a savior, you're just a little girl. You're just afraid!" He yelled. "I-" "But you don't know what real fear is. You don't know what it's like to feel like every second is your last one, like you're just waiting to go but you don't. What are you afraid of? What burns your soul? What makes you want to not wake up?" And then he fell at my feet. Eyes opened with no life. "What makes you wanna be me?"

I'm sorry if the nightmare part was a confusing.

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