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Vision's POV
Wanda has been acting quite strange lately. Whenever we sit together she gets close and rests her head on my shoulder. She also moves the tip of her fingers to tough my hand. I like the feeling of it but it's quite strange. "Hey Vis" She said as she walked into my room. "Hello Wanda" I said. "So, Nat asked me to go get milk and some stuff so I was wondering is you'd like to come with me" Wanda said. "Well, I'm very deeply sorry but Captain Rogers asked me to help him with some techniques" I explained. "Oh yeah, that's ok" she said. She walked to the door and opened it but stopped and turned around before leaving the room. "You don't have to say you're 'deeply sorry', I get it" she said with a smile. I feel quite guilty for some reason. She didn't look sad or mad but I feel like I should've gone.

After training with Cap. Rogers, I went to her room. "Hey Vis" She said with a smile. "I'm sorry I didn't go with you" I said. "It's fine, I'm not mad or anything" she said. "I know I just... feel weird" I explained. "Like you're letting me down?" She asked. I nodded. I saw her smile a little which was odd

Wanda's POV
I didn't smile because I wanted him to feel that way, I smiled because he cared

Vision's POV
"Vision, you did nothing wrong" she said, getting closer to me. I felt an urge to get even closer but I ignored it. I just stared into her eyes for a moment. It was a good moment.

Wanda's POV
I guess maybe... maybe Nat was right.

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