Waking Up

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This is the next day after the kiss

Wanda's POV
I woke up on Vision's chest. I don't know if I moved or something but he woke up seconds later. "Hey" I said with a smile. "Good morning" he said smiling, too. It's nice, getting to wake up to someone you care so much for. Getting to hold them tight and stare into their eyes. "We should probably go to training" he said. "In a minute" I said and moved closer to him. "Okay" he said. After a few minutes we actually got up. He doesn't really need to change so he just went to the training room while I got dressed.

"So, today we're not gonna be in pairs" Steve said, "I've noticed that our enemies don't exactly have our abilities and we should be prepared for everything. Stark made some new targets. They move, shoot back and block, it's gonna be kinda tough but it'll be great". We all practiced for a few hours, it was actually fun. Every once in a while, I'd look over to see how Vision was doing. He was great and also the reason I could concentrate as much. I didn't make it that obvious, though. I don't want people to think our relationship will affect our work.

After finishing, Steve came up to me and asked if me and Vision could talk with him. We, of course, agreed. I mean, we didn't exactly have a choice. "So, it's come to my attention that you two are like dating. Don't worry, I'm not against it or something but just make sure it doesn't affect your work. This job involves life or death situations and non of us want it to be death" Steve said. We both nodded and walked to his room. "So, there's a movie that Peter recommended. I don't know how he got my number but he said it's called "Star Wars" I said. "That'd be nice" he said. I smiled at him and kissed his lips before laying on his bed to watch the movie. I'm really happy.

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