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Vision's POV
I don't think neither of us have ever gone bowling, that's just the easiest thing to think of when you want to go out on a date. But I'm still glad we're going, Wanda seemed happy and she makes me happy so I'll enjoy it, even if we're both terrible at it.

Wanda got changed and met me outside our rooms at 6:54, since our rooms are next to each other. We decided to go by car since it would take us a long time if we walked, that's not a problem to me but Wanda would probably get tired.

When we got there, it was a little crowded, there was enough space but there were still a lot of people. We got our shoes, bought some food (for Wanda) and started a game.

Wanda's POV
I've never actually been bowling but people seem to think it's fun so I decided we should go. It doesn't seem so hard, you jut throw a ball at some stuff.

I threw the ball the way I saw others do it. So, apparently it is hard. I knocked off 4 and then knocked off 2 only second try.
Vision wasn't perfect, either. I though he'd hit all of them on his first try but was almost as bad as I was.

We did that for about an hour until we were done. I had a good time but I would've rather stayed home with him.

Vision's POV
Bowling was okay but it's definitely not my favorite thing to do. Wanda and I decided to walk around for a while. It still feels new, us being together. Not that I don't like it, I love it but I'm still trying to figure out how things between us are and I get surprised whenever she does something new like holding my hand.

"I'm really happy we went out, though I think we were terrible at it" she said. "I agree" I said. She let out a little laugh and I smiled at her. Her laugh is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. "I had good time" she said. "Me too" I said.

The worst thing about walking in public is that I can't just kiss her whenever I want and that's really hard.

Wanda's POV
Everyone was asleep when we got back. Bowling didn't take too much time but we spent a lot of time talking. I went to my room and changed into my pijamas (really just whatever I found that seemed comfy) and went Vision's room.

He wrapped one arm around me, I snuggled close to him and put one hand on his chest. "Goodnight" he said. "Goodnight" I responded. I got up a little and kissed him for a few seconds. My plan was to make it quick but it's hard to keep yourself from the one person you love more than anyone in the world. 

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