No One

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Vision's POV
Wanda's been acting quite strange around me. I've scanned her often and she's weird. When she sees me she's happy and uncomfortable at the same time and when she doesn't see me she's disappointed and relaxed. I really don't understand that. I think people have realized that because they've asked me if Wanda's okay many times. I've also seen Ms.Romanoff talking to her, maybe she knows why she's acting like this but Jd hate to intrude if it's not my place. I've actually made a few excuses to talk to her like 'Wanda are you alright? People keep asking about you' but I always get simple answers like yes, no, maybe and I don't know. I guess I miss her quite a lot. But I don't really know if I should or if it even is that. I'm aware that I'm slowly developing human emotions but maybe I'm not there yet. But it's something.

I don't know if it's something too personal so I'd like to stay away from it. It just makes me feel... weird. Not seeing her all the time. I just feel like we're... drifting. She's one of my best friends here. Mr.Stark is great and the rest of the team is good but she's something else.
She treats me like I'm no different. Not better, not worse just normal. Like I'm not just a robot. And I see her different too. She's not a monster and there is absolutely no reason to ever be afraid of her but they still do and I'm never going to be like that, I never want to be like that.

Wanda's POV
I feel like every time I'm with Vis I'm just.. lying to him. And of course I miss him. He's the only one who actually gets me. But it just feels like.... like.. he's just so great and he's there all sweet and kind and I'm just keeping a secret. I usually go to him for these things but I can't so I've decided to try to find another friend. Not to replace him but I need to let everything out with someone. About what happened and how I can fix it. The best choice would be Nat and she's we've been getting closer since she started training me on how to be a spy but I don't really trust her like that. She's a great friend but not like Vis, no one's like Vis.

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