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Wanda's POV
I think everyone sort of know that I like Vis. Whenever we're together they give me a look, the look. It's a mixture of 'nicely done', 'Look at you two' and 'Just don't get too attached just in case'. How's that supposed to help me? And it's gotten worse since he's always in my bed. I mean, I tell him and I like it but they come in and see us there together and give me that look.

"Wanda, do you need anything?" Vision asked as he phased through my wall. "I need you to knock" I said. "Sorry" he said. He was about to go out my room but I stoped him by yelling "No! Don't go, Umm I was joking Vis". He turned around to look at me. "So, is there anything else you need?" He asked. I shook my head. He walked out of my room. It was weird, he usually stayed. He would bring me food, give it to me, sit next to me and watch a movie. But he seemed uncomfortable today, weird. But it's Vision, you can never tell what going on. At least that's what I want to tell myself.

Vision's POV
A few hours back

"So, Vision, whats up with you and Wanda?" Mr.Wilson asked. I gave him a confused look. Nothing was happening between me and Wanda. I'd be with her right now if it were true. "You know, you're always cuddling and talking all the time. So, what's up with you two?" Mr.Wilson repeated his question. "I assure you nothing is happening between me and Wanda. We're friends" I said. "Tell that to rest of the team" he said, "we've seen the way you two look at each other". Do they really think that? It can't be true. She can't actually like me. She doesn't.

Wanda's POV
"Hey Nat, do you know why Vision's acting so weird?" I asked Nat. She brought me food this time. "Oh yeah, it's the same thing that happened to you. Sam asked what was happening between you two and I don't know what happened then" Nat said. Right, because It'd be awful to date someone like me. And I actually thought he might like me too.

"Hey Vis, can we talk?" I asked him. He came in to bring me food but I stoped him before he could get out. "Of course" he said. He sat on a chair a little far from my bed but I gave him a look and he sat beside me, he seemed uncomfortable though. "What's wrong?" He asked, not fully looking at me. "I asked Nat what was wrong and um.. they were teasing. If it really makes you uncomfortable than maybe we can dial it down. It's just that... I feel comfortable with you and sometimes I may cross the line" I said. It wasn't like a full on I like you moment but I think I sort of hinted it. "I don't think you cross the line. It's just... I don't know what would happen if someone like the Secretary of State thought that. I know they're teasing but I just don't want to risk anything like that" he said. I sort of smiled at him. I was relieved he didn't thing I crossed the line because I love doing everything I do with him, although I actually do think I cross the line, but I'm also sort of scared. What would happens if, for some reason, we both like each other and they didn't like it? "Is that it?" He asked. "Yeah, just don't treat me like a stranger" I said with the same slight smile. But he smiled at me and my smile suddenly got huge. He was about to step out the door but again, I stoped him. "Wait" I said. He turned around and walked a little towards me. "What is it?" He asked. "Would I really be such a bad girlfriend?" I asked. I reverted it as soon as it escaped my mouth. "No. I just don't want people to make a big deal out of a wrong idea they have" he said. I blushed a little. He wasn't all, 'Any guy would be lucky to have you' and stuff but I don't know, I just... it seemed nice. He walked out of my room and I turned off the tv.

Vision's POV
To be honest, I don't know want her to get the right idea, I guess. I dunno, maybe if someone says something like that to her, she'll think about it and realize that I... have feelings. For her. She'd be a lovely partner to the right person but that's not me. No matter how 'worthy' they say I am, I could never deserve her.

Do you think it's time to get those two together?

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