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Wanda's POV
So.... I like Vis. Wow. I know I should tell him but I don't know how to even start that conversation. Like 'Hey best friend that I don't want to loose, I like you'. I just don't want to mess up what we already have.

I invited him to watch a movie so I can find out if he likes me too. I don't know how I'll know but if I feel like he might, I'll tell him. I'm just scared. Really scared.

He came over at around 8:00pm. I figured maybe if he gets tired enough he'll fall asleep on the couch next to me again. And I'll have an excuse to do the same. "Hello Wanda" he said. I smiled at him. I tell myself to be cool but I can't. "Hey Vis" I said. We sat down on the couch and I put my head on his chest. After a few seconds I placed my hand on his stomach, a little below/next to my head. I stared at him a lot, too much maybe. I think I spent more time looking at him than actually watching the movie. I've no idea if he noticed it but I hope he didn't. I don't know, I'm just really confused. I used to see him as my best friend. Only my best friend and then all these feelings just came. And It's not just that Nat said it, I feel it. I felt it even before she said that, I just didn't realize it was... this. I feel like he likes me too but I just need to be 100% sure. I'm like 12% maybe. Once the movie was over we stayed like that for a second but I think he was waiting for me to get off so I did. "I had a lovely time" he said with a smile, getting up. "Yeah, me too" I said. I fiddled a little with my magic. He noticed it and looked at it. Then he looked at me and we stared at each other. Even when I stoped, we just kept staring at each other. Like my magic was just an excuse to do it. But we broke eye contact because I looked at his lips and not his eyes. I don't regret it though. "Goodbye Wanda" he said. "Goodbye" I said and hugged him. We don't hug a lot, I mean we don't hug daily but I wanted to hug him. Well, I wanted to kiss him but I settled for a hug. The hug lasted a while. Not like minutes but for longer than a quick hug. And it wasn't just me. He placed his head a little over mine but mostly touching the side of it. An d he held me tight, not tighter than I was but tight. I loved it. Of course he broke the hug. "Bye" I Said. He smiled at me and left.

Is it obvious?

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