Difficulties Pt. 2 | Best Friend!SF9

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Best Friend!Sf9 x Reader


Summary: When you finally get home from the hospital, you knew that your friends had your back.

Summary: When you finally get home from the hospital, you knew that your friends had your back

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The first thing you heard when you woke up was people yelling and some beeping. You tried to get up, but something was holding you down. When you finally opened your eyes, you saw a really bright light. When your eyes cleared a little, you looked over to the right and saw a guy.

"Oh! You're awake." The man said as he was writing on the clipboard that was in his hand.

"What happened?" You asked as you put your hand on your head.

"One of your friends found you passed out. And he called us." He said as the ambulance pulled up to the hospital. "If you're all good, they should just to a quick check up and you'll be able to go home."

After some time, and a few tests, the doctor finally came in to talk with you.

"Well, you certainly have been working a lot I'm guessing." He said after he'd introduced himself.

"Yeah. I'm a producer at FNC." You stated. "I have a lot of songs I need to write."

"Well, you're surely aren't going to like what I'm going to say then." He started. "The reason you passed out is because you've been overworking yourself. And with that paired that you haven't been eating and resting like you should be, that's why you fainted. Have you been feeling weak more than usual?"

"A little. When I would be helping our choreographer with some moves, I'd feel dizzy when I'm dancing."

"So with everything, I'm going to talk to your company first and get stuff sorted out with them before I give you any final instructions. But it'll definitely involve a rest for at least a week." He said as he walked over to my bed. "We'll keep you overnight so that we can watch you since you did hit your head when you fell. But you should be able to go home tomorrow morning." He patted my hand and left. You sighed, this was not gonna be good.

The next morning you woke up, you saw your phone on the side table. When you picked it up, you had a lot of missed calls and texts from the guys. Most of them was from Rowoon, since he was the one that was bringing you medicine and some food. Most of them was telling you that he was leaving, and when he was outside your apartment. You guessed that Taeyang was with him because you also got a lot of texts from him when they were outside your apartment. You guessed Rowoon remembered where you kept your spare key outside your apartment and came inside to find you passed out in the kitchen. After that you had a bunch of messages from the rest of them, all of them freaking out and telling you that you needed to take better care of yourself. You chose not to answer them, your manager was gonna be mad enough already. You sighed and as 10 AM rolled around, the doctor came in.

"I talked to your company today, and they've agreed to let you rest for at least a week. And you schedule will be cleared for a couple of days after your week off so that you can slowly get back into work. And then when you get back into work, your manager is going to make sure you have a good amount of work and sleep. He'll also be making sure you eat everyday." He said as he came closer to the bed. "But the most important thing for you to get some rest and to get a good meal." You sighed as you nodded. "But your manager should be here soon to pick you up."

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