Surprises in the Early Morning | Taeyang

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Taeyang x Reader


Summary: You decided to surprise Taeyang since you'd been gone for 2 weeks.

Summary: You decided to surprise Taeyang since you'd been gone for 2 weeks

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"Why are we whispering?" You asked as you walked into the dorm. You were at SF9's dorm and Rowoon was leading you in.

"Because Taeyang doesn't know you're back yet." Rowoon smiled and you passed the living room. You could see Chani and Youngbin watching TV. You waved and they smiled and waved back. Rowoon continued to lead you back to their bedrooms. He led you back to Taeyang and Chani's room. He peaked in and told you that he was still asleep, which didn't surprise you since it was still early in the morning and he said that he was up late practicing last night. You patted Rowoon's arm and pushed him out of the room and locked it. You had been gone for almost 2 weeks to visit some family in the States. You went and laid on Taeyang's bed.

"Go away." You heard him groan out.

"Wow, I didn't know that you didn't miss me while I was gone." This made him throw the covers that were on his head and look at you quickly.

"When did you get back?" He asked as he tackled you into a hug. You laughed and hugged him back.

"Rowoon and I just got back from the airport. We dropped my bags off at my apartment before we came here." You snuggled into his chest and relaxed. You were exhausted from jet lag, but you knew that you'd get back used to the time zone soon.

"So Rowoon knew when you were coming home and I didn't." You laughed and looked up at him.

"Be grateful asshole. I planned a surprise for you." He laughed a little and pulled you closer to him.

"I am grateful." He sighed and kissed your forehead. "I'm glad you're finally home."

"Me too." And with that you began to drift off to sleep, warmth from Taeyang pulling you in more and more.

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