Bad Day | Rowoon

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Rowoon x Reader


Summary: All you needed to make your day better is Rowoon.

You'd had a really hard day at work, you were about ready to burst into tears

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You'd had a really hard day at work, you were about ready to burst into tears. Rowoon had been on tour, so he probably wouldn't be home since he'd be too tired to head to your shared apartment. He'd texted you when you were in a meeting when he texted you that he was at the airport. You texted him back once you were done and he said that he was gonna take a nap because he had a schedule later that day.

So when you came home to an empty house, you left like that made your day even worse. You'd missed Rowoon immensely, and even when he'd just gotten back from tour he still had a schedule to do. So you skipped making dinner, too tired to even think about what to eat, and went to your room to get changed and relax a little. After you did your night routine, you decided to sit on the couch and work on some stuff that your boss decided to add to your workload. So you didn't realise how late it'd gotten till Rowoon come through the door. You were on the verge of crying when he came in.

"Hey darling. What's wrong?" He hurried over to you, and put your laptop to the side.

"It's been a long day." You said as you wiped over your eyes. Rowoon hugged you to him. "My boss is working me half to death and I have more stuff to get done now."

"Aww, babe I'm sorry. I wish I could've been here to help you." And he kissed your head. "How about I go get ready for bed and we can get some sleep." He said as he lifted your face to look at him.

"Okay." And he kissed you lightly and then he leaves to go get ready for bed. When he gets back to your room, you're standing in the middle of the room, just staring off into space.

"Come on babe, let's go to bed."

"Can I have a hug first? I really need a hug." And Rowoon didn't need to be asked twice. He came and gave you a big hug, picking you up and spinning around with you.

"Are you ready to go to bed now?" He asked as he smiled at you.

"Yes." And as you both got comfortable, you on his chest and his arms wrapped around you, you started to feel better. "Thank you for coming here. I know you had a busy day and you were tired from flying back home." He smiled and brought you closer to him.

"Well, I did miss you a lot, and I did debate it. BUT, I knew that you missed me too and you've been working really hard, so I wanted to come home and see you." The two of you talked for a little while more before you both were falling asleep. But not before telling the other that you loved them.

SF9 One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora