2:30AM | Jaeyoon

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Jaeyoon x Reader


Summary: You're nervous about your debut, and decided to stay and practice. But when it gets really late, your leader texts your boyfriend when you wouldn't answer your phone. And then he brings you home.

Your group was coming up on debuting and you knew you needed to practice on a few moves

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Your group was coming up on debuting and you knew you needed to practice on a few moves. You were one of the main vocalists and you knew you needed to dance well to not bring your other members down. You hadn't realized how late it'd become. You'd been practicing with your members earlier that day, but you decided to stay afterwards and work with the choreographer to clean up some parts that you weren't getting. After you got those few parts, she left while you continued to practice. You took a break to see that your phone was dying, you tried to ask everyone for a charger, but it seemed like no one had one to spare. So you decided to forget about it and practice some more. Your leader, back at your dorms, was starting to get worried. It was already 2:30am and you weren't answering your phone. She knew that you were stressing over your debut, so she let you stay with the choreographer. She texted Jaeyoon, your boyfriend, thinking that you would be with him, but he said that he was getting ready to leave practice with the boys. Since you were in the same company, she asked him to check on you. He agreed and made his way down to the studio he knew your group liked to use.

"Babe?" He asked as he opened the door. He saw you focused, sweat pouring down your face, and you had earphones in dancing to your debut song. He stood against the wall, waiting for you to notice him, knowing that you'd freak out if he went and tapped you. Soon you were done and noticed him by the door.

"Hi Jae." You smiled and grabbed your water bottle.

"Hi. Yujin texted me and asked me to check on you since it's pretty late." He said as he came closer to you. You could tell that he'd just gotten done with the boys practicing.

"Really? My phone died earlier and the clock in here doesn't work so I don't really know what time it is." You walked up and hugged him. It'd been a little over a week since you'd been able to see each other since you were preparing for your debut.

"I think you've practiced enough for today." He said as he grabbed your bag and started to drag you to the door.

"But I'm not done!" You tried to pull away from him, but he kept his grip around your away.

"You are. Yujin told me that you stayed after you had a 8 hour practice. So you've been here for at least 14 hours. You need to go to bed, and rest. You can come practice tomorrow." He said as he turned out the light and shut the door behind you. You sighed in defeat, knowing that the wouldn't let you say no. He texted Yujin, saying that he was bringing you home, and that you'd be there in 5 minutes. He put his coat around you, since you were still cooling down from your long practice session.

"I'm fine Jae, really." You said, trying to give him his hoodie back.

"No, you keep it. You're literally shivering." And he put the hood over your head and pulled the strings to tighten it. He laughed at your face. "Come on, let's get you home so that you can get some sleep." And he brought you into his arms for the rest of the walk to your dorm.

When you got there, you tried to take his hoodie off, but he made you keep it on.

"Keep it. I know you have another hoodie of mine, give me that one." You laughed and ran to your room to grab it. You were gonna give it back soon anyways, since it didn't smell like him anymore.

"Here." You said as you handed it to him. "You're gonna be there when we debut right?" You asked. You were nervous about your debut. You had a pre-recording of your debut song to do tomorrow, and you were anxious about it.

"You know I am. All the boys are coming to root you guys on." He smiled and pulled you in for another hug. "Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't come and support my girl on her debut." And he kissed you quickly. "You should go to bed so you'll be well rested for tomorrow then." And with that he kissed you again and walked out.

"No I love you?" You pouted, and he laughed at that while you leaned against the door.

"I love you beautiful." He smiled and you smiled too.

"I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"As soon as you get there." And then he was walking towards his dorm. "Goodnight beautiful."

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