Demons from Your Past | Dawon

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Dawon x Reader


Summary: You'd always avoided telling people why you died and why you never went up to the surface. You were always odd since you were a demon who never went back, but your best friend, Dawon, convinced you to go back and you find some people from your past.

 You were always odd since you were a demon who never went back, but your best friend, Dawon, convinced you to go back and you find some people from your past

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You had had a hard time being around humans after you died. You weren't a ghost, you were a demon. No one knew how you died, mainly because you were ashamed of it. The first time you went back to Earth after you died, you saw some of your family out and about, and you never went back. It hurt you to see your family so soon after your death that you never went back up there again. You and Dawon had become good friends after you died. He made you laugh and not feel so weird about not going up to Earth.

"You know Y/N, you should really go up to the surface every once and awhile." Dawon said as he came back from up there.

"You know, I really shouldn't." You said as you started to walk away from him.

"I don't see why you don't go up there!" He said as he followed you. "Is it because you're scared?" He was joking, you could tell, but you didn't want to give into him.


"You are! Why? You're a demon! You know, with like really cool abilities!" You shook your head and got to the door of your house.

"Cool abilities isn't always the best thing in the world Dawon." And you went inside.

The next day Dawon was still pestering you about going up to the surface.

"Come on Y/N! It's not even that bad!" He said as he followed you to the kitchen.

"If I agree, and go once, will you stop bothering me about it?" You were tired, you'd been up all night thinking about the last time you'd went up.

"Yes! Come on please. It'll be so much fun!" He was jumping around. And you reluctantly agreed. The next couple of days you were working, so you wasn't able to go up with Dawon, but finally you were free from work.

"Are you ready?" Dawon asked as he grew more excited as you walked to the wall that had the portal.

"No." You were very nervous. What if you saw your family again? Dawon literally had to drag you through the portal, but when you got there you tried to go back through. You knew this wasn't a good idea. He dragged you around, keeping a firm grip on your hand.

"See, it's not that bad. I don't know why you were so scared. It's so nice here!" But then you seen him. He was a lot bigger than when you were here last. He was hanging out with some of his friends, like you used to do, and he was laughing. You could hear him, joking around and eating. Dawon was trying to pull you on, but then he realized that you were looking at someone inside. You were starting to go through all the memories you had since you died. Your ghost had been at your funeral, before you'd crossed over. You saw all your family and friends crying at your casket. You're brother was only 6 at the time and didn't really understand what was going on. You remember your mom telling him that you'd had to go visit the angels. No one in Hell really knew how you died, many people had speculations like you were murdered or a car crash, like Dawon. But no one really thought of the suicide, which was the real way. You were very depressed in your human life and had decided to take your own life to rid yourself of that pain. You could faintly hear Dawon calling your name, but you were too caught up in your memories. He was 17 now, and you could tell that he was happy. You start to cry, but your tears were black, which shows other demons your level of anguish. Dawon was shocked, you'd never showed a lot of emotion. You walk towards to window invisible to everyone around you but demons and put a hand to the window. You smile sadly and look down. You turned away and ran for the portal, even Dawon couldn't catch up with you. When you made it back to Hell, you ran like hell for your house.

When Dawon finally reached Hell, you were already home and had locked yourself in. You told him to go home when he beat on your door. You were locked in your house for 3 days before Dawon had enough.

"Y/N, let me in. I'm not leaving until you talk to me." He said as he sat against your door.

"Dawon I don't want to talk about it." You said quietly. And you really didn't. Everyone you knew that was here for suicide was treated differently. People avoided them and the people that was around them treated them like glass. These demons always ended up being alone for the rest of their life. Most of them banded together and lived in an apartment complex not to far from your house, but you didn't want to be like that. All your friends treated you like someone who had died on accident or had died because their body couldn't handle the stress, like Chani.

"Well too damn bad. I'm here to talk about it. So we can either do this through a door or you can let me inside and we can do it in private." Dawon sounded serious, which was an unusual thing to hear. He was always laughing and joking around with all his friends. You'd only heard him sound like this twice, once when someone was picking on you when you first got to Hell and the second when they were harassing Chani for some reason.

"I guess if you're making me it's best for it to be inside." You sighed and unlocked the door. Dawon opened the door when he heard the lock click, and came inside. You looked miserable. You had on an old hoodie, that was way too big on you, and some sweatpants. Your hair was a mess and it looked like you hadn't slept in days.

"You look like shit." Was the first thing Dawon said as he saw you. You scoffed and sat on the couch, which was where you'd been the past 3 days. He followed you to couch and sat down on the other side. "Do you wanna tell me what happened the other day?" You sunk down into the couch more. You really didn't want to talk about what happened but you knew he'd never leave you alone about it.

"That guy I saw in the restaurant is my brother." You started. "He was only 6 when I died."

"I'm guessing he didn't know how you died really?"

"He didn't, at the time at least. I'm sure he knows now." You ran your hands over your face. You knew what the next question was going to be.

"Then how did you die?" You took a few moments to breathe.

"Suicide." Dawon looked at you in shock.

"Suicide?" He paused for a few moments. "You seem too happy to have died from suicide." You looked away.

"I wasn't when I was alive." You withdrew yourself from being close to him as much as possible. "I was very depressed when I was alive, and I decided that it would be better to be dead than to be alive." You looked away and reminisce on those times in your life. "I planned everything for when my family would be out of town." You remembered hearing her cries when she got to the hospital. Your father holding her up, but he was also heartbroken that his eldest child had died. Dawon was quiet the whole time you talked, watching you. He knew you were nervous about him leaving since you were a suicide victim, but he knew you. You were happy now, and that was all that mattered to him. He slid over and pulled you to him.

"You know, when I was alive I used my humor to hide my sadness." This shocked you. "And like you, I also had depression. I was starting to get happier when I died. At first I was so angry that I was taken away, to not reach my full potential in my human life. But as my demon life started, I began to see that I could be happy here too." He kissed your forehead. "You don't seem like a victim of suicide. You wanna know why? You don't loom around wherever you are. The other people who died of suicide they seem like they didn't want an afterlife, you do. That's why I know that if other people knew, they'd still hang around you." Dawon could tell that you were surprised. He smiled a little and let it soak into your brain that he was still here.

"Thank you." You said as you felt some tears fall from your face.

"You don't need to thank me bub." He wiped your tears away. "Do you wanna try and go back up there? It doesn't have to be soon, but I think since I know, I can help keep you away from places he might go." He smiled as you nodded. "I'm really proud of you ya know. It takes a lot of courage to face your past like this." You blushed and hid your face. You sat there for a while, and eventually you fell asleep. He started to get up, but you grabbed him, whining in your sleep. He shushed you and got you back to sleep so he could go get blankets and pillows. When he got back, you were cuddled up in his hoodie that he left on the couch. He get everything set up on your other couch and grabbed you. He knew you wouldn't want him to be too far from you for the next couple days, so he planned to stay here.

"Goodnight bubs. Sleep well." The last thing he remembered was kissing your forehead and snuggling up into you.

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