Rumor | Hwiyoung

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Hwiyoung x Reader


Summary: You and your boyfriend was on a break when the rumor started, and now you were avoiding him.

Summary: You and your boyfriend was on a break when the rumor started, and now you were avoiding him

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You were at the library, trying to avoid everyone. There was a really embarrassing rumor going around, so you'd resorted into hiding from all your friends. What's the rumor you ask? That you'd cheated on your boyfriend, who is one of the most popular guys in your school, and since you two were taking a break from each other it didn't look to be in your favor. You heard people whispering and yelling at you when you were walking down the hallways. Because of this, you'd resorted to showing up late to your classes that had Hwiyoung in them, which meant that you didn't have to walk through the crowded halls.

"Oh look. It's the girl who cheated on the most popular guy in our school." You heard someone say as you sat down in your seat. You stayed looking forward, knowing that they were talking about you, and started taking notes. Hwiyoung had tried to talk to you a couple of times while you were in the hallways, but you just avoided him. You knew he knew about the rumor, and wondered why he didn't say anything to deny the rumor.

When you were hiding in the library during lunch, you saw Hwiyoung come in. You saw in looking in between the shelves, and then he noticed you sitting at a table alone.

"Jesus, do you know how hard it is to get you alone?" He exasperated as he sat down across from you. You looked up in surprise, not realizing that he was sat down in front of you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I wanted to talk to you." This made you freeze up.

"Ok." You said as sat up straight. Hwiyoung could see you closing yourself off to him.

"Hey, it's not bad." He grabbed your hand, that was on the table, and rubbed your knuckles. "I know the reason we took a break was because of me, and I know about the rumor." At this you started to withdraw your hand, but he held onto your hand tighter. "But I just wanted to say that after finals, I want us to get back together." This made you look at him.

"After finals?" You didn't really believe him.

"Yes. I just need to focus on acing my finals and then I'd like to focus on us." He smiled softly, knowing that everything going on right now made you skeptical of him.

"Alright." You said quietly. With that Hwiyoung got up and left the library.

The next couple weeks you began to distance yourself away from Hwiyoung, even avoiding his text messages. When finals were over, Hwiyoung tried to talk to you, but you literally went by him, like you didn't know him. When he saw you outside of school though, he literally cornered you in to finally talk to you.

"Are you ignoring me?" He asked as he grabbed your arm. You looked over at him in surprise.


"Why?" This made you look at him like he was stupid.

"What do you mean why?"

"I mean what have I done to make you ignore me." You sighed and let your anger calm some.

"Well, first you'd never say anything to defend me when that rumor, that's still going around." He looked at you in surprise. "Second, you basically told me to wait for you because I would distract you from studying and focusing on your finals."

"What, baby no." He paused as you grabbed you with both his hands. "I did defend you. I told so many people that we were just on a break. I saw how you started to close off so that's why I went and talked to you at the library. And you know I love you." You looked away. "My mom was telling me that if I didn't get a certain score on my finals then I wouldn't be able to go to the college I want, which is a surprise for you, so I wanted to focus on it. And you're not a distraction, but I knew that if I was around you, you'd take all my attention because I know that I'd want to spend time with you instead of studying." And this time you looked at Hwiyoung. It seemed like his story was true, but you didn't really want to think about everything. "I would never think you were a bother because I know how much you care, or cared for me, before all this happened."

"It's not that I don't care for you anymore. It's just that, with everything that was happening I just started to think." You looked down and Hwiyoung pulled you into a hug.

"And we both know what happens when you think." He started to laugh as you slapped his shoulder.

"Hey! Be nice to me!" He pulled you closer to him, lightly kissing your forehead.

"Come on, I do have a surprise for you."

When you got to your favorite coffee shop and sat down as Hwiyoung went to order your drinks. When he sat down, you look a sip from your drink and sighed. Hwiyoung had opted to sit beside you instead of sitting across from you. You leaned into his side and he pulled out a paper.

"What's that?" You asked as you sat your drink on the table?

"It's your surprise." He said as he handed the folded piece of paper to you. When you opened it, it was an acceptance letter, to the college that was in the same town as yours.

"Oh my god!" You put your hand over your mouth. "When did you get this?" You looked at him with wide eyes.

"I got it before we took our break, and this was the thing my mom made me study so hard for." He smiled as tears started to come down your face. "So I studied super hard and got a perfect score on my finals so that I could go to a school not to far from you." You threw your arms around him and squeezed him tightly.

"Oh wow." You sniffled. "I love you so much, oh my god." And he laughed.

"I love you too." And he kissed your forehead, then your nose, and then your lips. "And this time, I won't be leaving you again."

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