My Wonderful Boyfriend | Zuho

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Zuho x Reader


Summary: Just some times with boyfriend Zuho.

Summary: Just some times with boyfriend Zuho

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You were so excited for tonight. You were finally getting to see your boyfriend play tonight. When you'd texted him saying that you were there, he peeked out the locker room door to give you a quick kiss.

"Please don't get hurt tonight." You said as he winked and went back inside. You were with some of your friends, getting your usual seats in the stands. You were talking to some of your friends, laughing and joking around, but soon the game was starting and you were focused on your boyfriend. As the game got closer to the end, it was tied. Both teams were trying so hard to get a point, to win. And soon Youngbin had the ball, he passed it to Chani, who then passed it to Zuho who made the winning goal. You jumped out of your seat as the buzzer rang. You grabbed your friend beside you and jumped up and down, so proud of your boyfriend.

You soon were jumping over the railing of the field to give your boyfriend a hug.

"Oh my god babe!" You yelled as he picked you up. "You did so good!" You laughed as he pulled you into a kiss. You smiled as he sat you down.

"That goal was meant for you." He said and winked as he was pulled off by this team mates to celebrate. While you were waiting, you hadn't realized how cold it was going to be tonight, so you'd forgotten to grab a jacket. You were rubbing your arms, while your friends pressed close to you to try and keep you warm while you waited for your boyfriend. When he finally came, he saw you and laughed.

"Here." And he threw his sweatshirt to you. You smiled, and he also smiled, knowing that you'd keep it and he'd probably never see it again. You quickly pulled it over your head and snuggled into the warmth and his smell. He'd always smelled like his cologne and a little like the woods. He had a very calming scent to him, which always worked in helping you go to sleep when you had trouble. He pulled you into his arms while you continued to talk with your friends, helping to keep you warm. When your friends were starting to leave you asked him.

"Aren't you cold?" You looked up at him.

"Nope. I'm hot 99% of the time so you can keep my sweatshirt for now. I will get this one back though." He looked at you and you laughed hard. "Come on. It's late and you need to go to bed." And he pulled you to your car to take you home.

You were out with Zuho, just walking around on an impromptu date. You were holding hands when he saw Dawon, Taeyang, and Inseong they immediately greeted you and your boyfriend.

"Hey guys! What are you doing?" Dawon asked.

"Nothing really, we were just walking around." He said as he pulled you closer to him to wrap his arm around you, still holding your hand.

"Oh wow, we were going back to Dawon's to chill with the rest of the guys. If you want you could come." Inseong said as he pulled your focus to the bags they were carrying, more than likely holding snack and stuff for everyone.

"Hmm, I think we'll be fine." Zuho said as he pulled you close. "Tell everyone we'll hang out this weekend though." He smiled and you both said bye to the boys. You were a little shocked since he'd been wanting to see them all week since he'd been busy all week. But to be fair, you hadn't seen any that week either. He'd been working on a couple of songs that needed to be finalized by that Wednesday and it was now Thursday.

"Why didn't you go hang out with the boys? I know you missed them." You said as you continued to walk with his hand holding yours.

"I did miss them, but I'll see them this weekend. But I also missed you, so these next 2 days good luck trying to get rid of me." He said as he pulled you into a random store, winking at you.

It was finally that weekend and he was dropping you off at the mall to hang out with your friends.

"Make sure to text me if you need something alright babe." He said as he kissed your forehead while you hugged him. You saw your friend taking pictures of the two of you and you hid your face away.

"I will." You said as you looked up at him with your chin on his chest. He smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled into the sweet kiss Zuho placed on your lips.

"I'm for real though. I worry about you so if you need me text or call me." And you laughed as pushed away from him, he whined as you pushed him away.

"Y/N! Come on!" And you looked at Zuho, sending him a heart and blew him a kiss, and ran to catch up with your friends. Later when you looked at your phone, you realized you had a text from Zuho.

Baby: I just got to Youngbin's and I missed you, so tonight we're gonna have a pajama party for the two of us and pig out on junk food and watch a ton of movies. I love you so much baby, you have no idea how much you mean to me. Don't forget to text me if you need me!

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