Don't Forget Me When You're Famous | Dawon

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Dawon x Reader


Summary: You don't know when it happened, but you fell in love with your tattoo artist.

Summary: You don't know when it happened, but you fell in love with your tattoo artist

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When you started going to Fantasy to get your tattoos done, you were so glad you did. You immediately picked Dawon as your artist, since his art style was so different, like he was. He was also very goofy, and when you brought your friend to have their first tattoo, he made her feel good and laugh some. You were coming in for your last session on your arm, which would complete your left arm sleeve. You walked into the shop, but you already knew your way around since this was like your second home.

"Hey Y/N. Dawon's running a little late, so it'll be a few minutes before he gets here." Chani said as he was stuck at the front today.

"That's fine. I don't have anything besides this planned anyway." You said as you sat in the chair against the wall. You sat there waiting before Dawon literally fell coming into the shop. You looked up from your phone and began to laugh with Chani. You saw Inseong peek out the back, to make sure nothing bad had happened, and then went back once he saw Dawon on the ground.

"Are you okay?" You giggled as you helped him up. He nodded yeah and asked if you were waiting for long. "No, maybe 15 minutes?" You said as you both went to the back. This session was just to color in most of the sleeve, so it was gonna take forever to get everything done since it was like 75% of your arm that had an outline only on it. As he was getting everything ready, you look off your hoodie to give him your arm.

"I knew this was gonna take a while, so I went to get some food." He started to explain while he was shaving your arm. "But I hadn't realized what time it was so I literally ran all the way back to the shop." You laughed again.

"You could've just texted me and said that you were gonna be however long late." He looked up at that.

"I didn't think of that." This made both of you laugh as he put the ink into their holders. "You ready to get this all finished?" He asked as he put the end of the gun into the ink.

"Yep. It's gonna look so good when you're done." You smiled. Dawon smiled a little too and started on the long process of coloring your tattoo. An hour into the tattoo, you fell asleep. He could tell you hadn't been getting a lot of sleep, but he knew you were working hard to get a promotion at your job. You were working at a local bookstore, hoping to help pay to get your book published, but so far it hadn't been going too well. You'd asked him a few times to read a few pieces of your story, and to him it was so good. He thought you wrote very well, and expressed things with the right amount of emotion. There wasn't really any gaps of story, and everything flowed well. He remembered though one night you almost threw away your dream.

He'd been leaving a club when he saw you sitting in a park close to the shop.

"Hey Y/N." He said as he approached you. You quickly wiped your tears, hoping that he hadn't saw you crying. "What's up? Why are you out so late?"

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