Chosen | Rowoon & Dawon

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Rowoon/Dawon x Reader


Summary: It always has to get worse before it gets better.

You'd grown a little more quieter as the weeks flew by, and to say that the guys in your life wasn't worried would be an understatement

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

You'd grown a little more quieter as the weeks flew by, and to say that the guys in your life wasn't worried would be an understatement. Chani could see how tired and worn out you were at practice, and how you started to not hang out with him and Hwiyoung. Youngbin and Zuho were also worried since you'd started coming to the studio, only when you needed and absolutely had to be there. And every time you did come you always asked for Dawon not to show up, which wasn't hard since he was focusing on his girlfriend. But one day he came in while you were recording Zuho's rap, since Youngbin wasn't there, and you got so shocked.

"Zuhooooo!" He yelled out as he entered the room. You jumped and held your hand to your chest. You saw Zuho standing there waiting for your approval or if he needed to do it again.

"Hey Zuho, how about we take a break? And Dawon is here asking for you." You said as you pushed back and grabbed your water bottle. You saw Dawon and Zuho whispering by the entrance to the booth and decided it would probably be best to leave the room so they could talk. You were at the vending machines when you saw Rowoon.

"Oh hey Y/N." He greeted you. "I haven't seen you in a while." He said as he came to stand beside you.

"Hey. Yeah, I've been super busy." You said as you were trying to pick which snack to get.

"Really? That's probably why Chani's been asking if I've seen you lately." You looked over at him. You'd told Chani about the stuff with Rowoon, so you wondered why he was asking him about what you were doing. You laughed a little bit and rubbed the back of your neck.

"Yeah. I have all this stuff I need to get done with my music, so it's been taking priority." You said as you grabbed your snack, hoping that Dawon would be gone by the time you got back. You saw Dawon leaving as you were telling Rowoon bye. He just looked at you two and turned the other way. You were shocked first, and then you were confused. You decided to think about it some other time and went back to the studio to finish up the last few parts of the song.

It was finally time to show your professor your music, and the three of you were in his office, waiting on his verdict. He was very stoic and blank faced, which made you nervous. You were squeezing both Zuho and Youngbin's hands so hard, you were sure you'd break them. By the time he took the headphones off, you were ready to just run out of there and cry. He made a few comments on how to better some of the rhythms and lyrics, but then he started praising you. He comments on how your vocals seemed to understand the lyrics, and how they drew the listener into the song. He also said that the tone of the rap and the tone of the vocals was such a nice mix that he wanted to put your song on the schools radio. All three of you were shocked. He liked it. He liked your vocals. He didn't hate your voice. Luckily you held your tears in till you exited his office, but as soon as the door shut you were crying. You'd eventually broke one day and told them about your reason on why you hated your voice. And they immediately started hugging you, shielding you from the curious eyes as people walked by, wondering why two guys were hugging a crying girl.

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