3 Years Ago | Inseong

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Inseong x Reader


Summary:  You came into a random tattoo parlor to get an appraisal on a tattoo you'd been wanting for forever. But you just could not find anyone that drew it nicely, or it was a good price. But that all changed at Fantasy, the newly opened tattoo parlor.

When Inseong bought the shop with Youngbin it was the greatest time in his life

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When Inseong bought the shop with Youngbin it was the greatest time in his life. Well except now. Since he opened the shop, he hadn't had much time to do tattoos while he was running the place. But when you came in, asking for an appraisal from him, he just couldn't tell you no. He drew the flower that you showed him, but decided that it needed some color. He asked before he started to color it, if you wanted color, but you said to do whatever he felt would look best on you. He nodded and started to color in the flower. Around 10 minutes later, he finished and showed the drawing to you, and you fell in love.

"Oh my god, it looks so good!" You said as you grabbed the paper. "Your art style is so pretty!" Inseong blushed and smiled, thanking you for the compliment. "Do you think you can do this now?" You looked up at him.

"Let me go look at my booking list first." He said as you followed him back to the front. He looked through his list, seeing that he wasn't booked until tomorrow, and said that he could do it now.

"Great." You smiled and followed him back to his station. When you got settled he looked over at your arms and saw a bunch of scars, but they didn't look like self harm scars. You looked a little uncomfortable now, but you tried to push it down. "If you can't tattoo over the scars, I have a spot that we can put it." You said.

"Let me see your arm?" He asked as he held his hand out for you. You handed him your arm and he ran his thumb over your scars. This was the first time that anyone had touched them since they healed and you flinched at first. "It shouldn't be too bad." He said as he let go of your arm. "It'll hurt a little bit more on the actual scars, but I think you'll be fine." He smiled at you warmly. When you sat down, you started to get comfortable in the chair while Inseong started to get everything ready after he'd put the stencil on your arm. Once he started, he started to talk to you.

"Well what do you do for work?" He asked as he started on the outline.

"I'm an IT person at one of the companies in town." You said.

"Oh. That's so cool. What do you do?"

"I mainly keep everything on everyone's computers running smoothly." You said. You talked for a little while longer before he asked about the scars.

"You don't have to answer, but where did all these scars come from? They don't look like self harm scars." You sighed and looked away.

"That's cause they aren't." You paused. "I was in an abusive relationship and these are some of the scars I have from back then." You said quietly. Inseong looked to make sure you wasn't about to freak out and have a panic attack, before he continued the conversation.

"Oh, wow. That must have took a lot of courage from you then." He smiled when you looked over at him.

"It wasn't me who told the police." You said as you took a couple deep breathes. "My best friend actually called the cops and told them what was happening. When they came to the door, he'd just gotten done beating me. So they took him into custody real quick." You turned away, mostly ashamed that you hadn't done it yourself.

"That's still very brave of you." He said as he started on the color. "It takes a lot of courage to accept help sometimes." He smiled. You smiled back at him and kept quiet after that. As you tattoo was almost done, he asked you something else. "How long ago was this?"

"It was almost 3 years ago now." You grimaced thinking about it. You'd wasted 3 years of your life on him, and you'd missed a lot of opportunities while being with him just because he didn't want you to stay at work longer or travel.

"I'm glad you got out of that environment." He smiled. "My sister was in a situation like that, and she's still in the process of getting out of it." He had a far off look in his face as he started to wrap your fresh tattoo.

"If you want, I could talk to her." You said tentatively. Inseong looked at you in surprise.

"You'd do that?"

"Yeah of course. I know how hard it is to try and get used to your old life again, and I know talking to someone who's been through this type of situation helped me alot." Inseong smiled brightly at that.

"Could I have your number then?" He blushed. "So that we can set up a time to meet and stuff." You laughed a little, it felt weird to be asked that again.

"Sure." You said as you took his outstretched phone. You put your number in, and made sure to text yourself. "There you go. Just text me your name and the time. My boss is pretty good about letting me get days off since I'm still struggling sometimes." You smiled and blushed when your hands met while giving him his phone back.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to talk to her about it." He smiled. "I'm guessing you know how to take care of your tattoo?"

"Yep." You smiled. Soon you paid and said goodbye, seeing a young guy with red hair walk in. "Bye Inseong." You waved, you looked through the window to see Inseong talking to the guy and pushed him away as they walked into the back.

When you got home that night, you realized that he was flirting with you. You groaned and hid your face. You had been texting Inseong all day afterwards, and he was really nice to talk to. You'd even made plans to meet up with his sister. As you talked to him more, you started to realize that maybe you had a small crush on him. When you told your best friend she was so happy for you. She said that she was so proud of you for moving on, and that she thought it would help to get over some of the stuff you still held about yourself from your past relationship. As you sat in bed, looking at the ceiling, you decided that you were happy. Happy with yourself, your job, and with your new found friend Inseong.

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