Tease | Dawon

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Dawon x Reader


Summary: Dawon is a prankster, but sometimes he's not. This time you're not so lucky.

 This time you're not so lucky

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Dawon was always a jokester. He was always playing small pranks on you and the boys, or pulling random faces while you were mad at him. Sometimes though he was nice, and loving. He would cuddle with you, no tickles, no pranks. He would pull you onto the couch and cuddle with you when he was tired, or he'd missed you a lot. This especially happened after he had long promotions or he had just gotten back from tour.

He'd just gotten back from a decently long promotion and he was cuddling with you on the couch.

"I missed you." He said as he kissed your neck.

"I missed you too." You smiled and cuddled closer to him.

Later that night you were cooking dinner when he came up behind you. He was back hugging you as you finished diner, which wasn't unusual when he was finally home after SF9's promotions. But what was unusual was how his hands seemed to try to tickle you.

"What are you doing?" You asked as you turned off the stove, turning to face him. He'd definitely been trying to tickle you for the past 5 minutes.

"Nothing! I missed you and want to be close that's all." As the night continued on, his prankster habits started to come out more and more. He obviously hadn't missed being home too much, but also his promotions had a break in it before they left for tour so it was understandable. You were getting ready to go to bed, when he came up behind you while you were finishing brushing your teeth.

"Hi." He said as you turned around.

"Hi." You said as you leaned on him. He effortlessly lifted you up on the counter. He got closer and closer, and you thought he was gonna kiss you. But then he stopped moving, whispered that he was tired, and left you alone in the bathroom. You whined and pouted for the rest of the night.

"Aww, babe if you just wanted a kiss all you had to do was say." And he puckered up his lips getting closer, but you turned away from him. He knew you were at least a little bit upset. "Hey, no come here." He grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him. "I'm sorry."

He kissed your cheek to try and get you to turn around, which worked, and you pouted as you looked up at him. He smiled and pecked your forehead and nose.

"Just kiss me already." You whined and he laughed.

"That's all you had to say." He winked as he pulled you into a kiss that'd you'd been waiting all day for.

"Finally." And now both of you were laughing.

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