Masterpiece | Jaeyoon

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Jaeyoon x Reader


Summary: Youngbin and Inseong let you paint inside Fantasy.

Jaeyoon was one of the guys at the shop that no one really seen

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Jaeyoon was one of the guys at the shop that no one really seen. He did a lot of the drawings that were up in the front of the shop, so when you asked who did them, you were very surprised to know that Jaeyoon did them. You started to work at the shop as a piercer, since you'd known Rowoon for a long time. And as you were getting to know all the guys, you still couldn't get to know Jaeyoon well since he was either not at the shop or he was in the drawing room. You'd seen a bunch of the guys ask him about stuff in their drawings, and he always made sure that they knew that it should be their style, but always gave them pointers. So when Youngbin and Inseong gave you permission to paint the back room and piercing room, you knew exactly what you were gonna do.

"Hey Jaeyoon, can I ask you a favor?" You asked as you saw him come from the drawing room.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I need to you trace out some stuff on the walls so I can paint it." You smiled as he looked over at you in surprise.

"They're really letting you paint the walls." He laughed and asked you to show him what you had in mind. You showed him a couple of things you'd sketched out earlier while you were waiting for your appointment to come in. "Oh wow, these are really good." You blushed at his praise, saying a small thanks. As you talked about what you wanted, you saw that it was getting late. You both decided that he'd sketch everything out tomorrow while he wasn't busy.

When you came in, you noticed that the drawing room was empty, so you figured that Jaeyoon wasn't in. But you got a big surprise when you walked into the piercing room. Jaeyoon was there, with no shirt on might I add, on a ladder sketching on the wall.

"Hi Jaeyoon." You said as you sat your bag down. He startled a little, but quickly caught himself.

"Hey Y/N." You looked at the time.

"I have a client coming soon, but you can keep working." You said as you got everything ready to pierce their nose.

"Alright. I think I'm gonna take a break soon anyways." He said as he reached for his pencil again.

When the guy finally showed up, almost an hour late, you finally started to pierce his nose.

"Are y'all gonna be redoing the shop?" He asked.

"I'm just painting in here and the back." You said, pushing the needle through.

"Not the front?" He hissed as you pulled the jewelry though.

"Nope. The front already has enough stuff out there from Jaeyoon's drawings. If I painted out there then it'd look clustered and not nice." You said as you had to hold a paper towel to his nose since it was bleeding.

"So they're trying to see if you're good enough to paint the front." This made you pause. "Cause usually that's the first place someone sees." You were quiet after that, and you were so thankful that Jaeyoon wasn't in here. After he left, you were looking at the progress on the wall.

"Hey, I got you some food." Jaeyoon said as he put the bag on the bench.

"Thanks." You said quietly, still looking at the wall. Jaeyoon looked at you for a few minutes and decided that something had happened while he was gone.

"Okay. What happened?" This made you look over at him.

"What do you mean?" You asked as you sat on the bench and started eating.

"You're unusually quiet and you've been staring at the wall for like the whole 5 minutes I've been back." You sighed and hid your face. "So what happened?"

"The guy I pierced earlier was a jackass." You said as you looked back at the wall.

"What did he do?" He asked as he sat beside you.

"He basically said that if Youngbin and Inseong thought that I was any good, that they'd let me paint the front." You paused and sighed. "But I know that if I did it'd feel cluttered and smaller with so much stuff in there."

"If you want I can take some of my drawing down so you can paint in there too." You immediately shook your head.

"No! You're artwork should stay. I'm fine with it just being in the back. That means that only the really cool people get to see it." You smiled a little, knowing that he just wanted to get you to smile a little.

"Well, does that mean that all the non cool people see mine?" The both of you laughed as you both started to finish the sketch in the piercing room.

After almost a whole week of sketching before you started painting. You'd stay late at the studio, playing music over the speakers and jamming while you painted. One night, Jaeyoon came in since he forgot his sketchbook, and he found in the piercing room, dancing around while you were mixing some paint.

"So this is what you do when you paint." You let out a screech as you dropped the paint you'd been mixing.

"Holy fuck Jae don't do that!" You said as he doubled over in laughter. You sighed and picked up the paint that you'd dropped, thankfully it wasn't ruined. He looked up at the wall, noticing that it was almost done.

"The wall looks really good." He said as you looked over at it. You smiled and thanked him.

"I got a surprise for the boys for when I finish the one in the back." You smirked and laughed since he didn't even know what you'd planned to put in there. You'd had it covered and threatened anyone who dared to peek at it, you'd end them. And they believed you, so no one knew what it was.

It took a few days to finally finish the piece in the tattoo room, but you'd finally finished it. You made sure all the boys were standing just right to see it when you pulled the cover away.

"Alright, I know you all have wanted to see what's behind this, and now I've finally finished it." You smiled as you saw Dawon wiggling in excitement.

"Hurry up!" You heard Chani say as the boys laughed at him. "Don't you think you've made-" You cut him off by pulling the cover off. There stood the shops logo, but in all their favorite colors. It even had a holographic inside the Fantasy. You heard a lot of gasps and holy shits. You laughed when you saw their faces. Most of them were opened while the others had their hands over their mouths and their eyes looked buggy.

"Oh my god." You heard Jaeyoon say, and honestly this reaction was the one you were most nervous for. "How the hell could you hid this masterpiece from me!" He yelled and hit your arm. The boys laughed and surrounded you in a hug. You laughed at all their compliments, thanking them.

"You know, now you're gonna have to help me draw their tattoos." Jaeyoon winked at you as the rest of the guys went to see the finished piece in the piercing room. You laughed and pushed him away, but he pulled you close to him. "I mean it." He said softly. You looked up at him and he smiled a little. He kissed your forehead and your heart started to beat super fast. "Come on." He said as he pulled you towards the piercing room. "There's no telling what they'll do if they aren't supervised." You laughed as you tighten your grip on his hand, and wouldn't let it go when you got to the room. You knew now that he'd be your masterpiece someday.

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