What the hulk, Clara?!

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I just watched the new Doctor Who episode last night and I wanted to know if I was the only one who who heart broke and was mad at Clara when she said I love Danny and seeing 12's reaction. AM I ALONE IN THIS?! I hope I'm not. I really wanted to jump through the screen and hug 12.

So this basically my reaction:

Clara: I love him!

Me: WHAT?!

12: *hearts break and looks betrayed* How could you say that?

Me: *jumps through the screen* Awwww, it's okay. *hugs Doctor, looks over at Clara, and mouths* We are no longer friends.

Clara: *looks confused*

Me: *Looks back at Doctor* Do you wanna go time traveling??

12: *nods*

Clara: #_#

*Me and 12 hop in the TARDIS and fly away*

Clara: Doctor..... :(

Danny: What just happened???

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