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So I was tagged.... Not quite sure what that means, but I'll give it a go.

Name: Britt (Agent Britt of SHIELD)

Relationship status: In love with a fictional character. In other words, single.

Crush: Owen Grady (one of many) :D

Height: 5'7"

Birthday: May 28

Best Girl Friend: McKenna

Best Boy Friend: Jake

Last Song: Bad Blood ~ Taylor Swift

Last Laugh: The other day. I was at lunch with my friends Jake and Emily when jake stabbed a carrot with his fork and started rubbing Emily with the carrot while making a creepy face. Then I said, "Excuse me while I caress you with my carrot." It was hilarious.

Last Cry: December 21, 2014 - my grandpa died.

Now I guess I have to tag 20 people. Hmmmmmm......

I choose: allonsy_whouffle madman_with_a_box_ dreamescape07 1980somethinspaceguy _-Skye-_ Maddythewriter Marvel_Mockingjays FlyingWords agooch12 ArielleCamposano DrogoTheCat doctorharry _galaxy_unicorn_xo Lady_Laufeyson LadyHiddlesLoki TheCreepyTimeLady gallabox tardisaddiction The_John_Parker VidhiHarryStyles

Sorry guys 😬

With love,

Agent Britt

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